Dpto. Medicina y Cirugía

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10637/10415

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    InnoVamécum: metodologías docentes innovadoras en Ciencias de la Salud2025-02

    InnoVamécum es un libro digital, que compila 41 experiencias innovadoras exitosas a nivel universitario. La obra, se erige no sólo como un testimonio de creatividad, compromiso y esfuerzo, sino también como una herramienta de gran valor para educadores que buscan transformar sus métodos de enseñanza. El corazón de InnoVamécum reside en su colección de experiencias innovadoras, acompañadas por explicaciones con base pedagógica sobre los objetivos competenciales. Cada una de estas experiencias ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionada y documentada, ofreciendo un panorama amplio y diverso de cómo la innovación puede ser aplicada en la educación en ciencias de la salud. Desde el uso de simulaciones clínicas avanzadas hasta la integración de tecnologías, bioética y pensamiento crítico. La obra presenta un abanico de posibilidades que inspiran y motivan a los docentes a explorar nuevas fronteras en la enseñanza. Una Nueva Forma de Aprender Las características más destacadas de InnoVamécum son su original diseño (como un vademécum), su carácter transdisciplinario y su presentación multimedia. Cada experiencia innovadora no solo se describe en detalle y de forma original y creativa, sino que también se complementa con un podcast explicativo alojado en Spotify y un repositorio de materiales en Google Site.

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    Ammonia and beyond - biomarkers of hepatic encephalopathy2025-01-15

    Ammonia is a product of amino acid metabolism that accumulates in the blood of patients with liver cirrhosis, leading to neurotoxic effects and hepatic encephalopathy (HE). HE manifestations can range from mild, subclinical disturbances in cognition, or minimal HE (mHE) to gross disorientation and coma, a condition referred to as overt HE. Many blood-based biomarkers reflecting these neurotoxic effects of ammonia and liver disease can be measured in the blood allowing the development of new biomarkers to diagnose cirrhosis patients at risk of developing HE. The effect of ammonia on the brain is modulated by severity of systemic inflammation, and both hyperammonemia and inflammation can induce oxidative stress, which may mediate the neurological alterations associated to HE. This review aims to provide the latest evidence on biomarkers of HE beyond ammonia. We present different approaches to predict overt HE based on the combination of blood ammonia with some analytical and clinical parameters. Magnetic resonance analysis of brain images could also provide sensitive diagnostic biomarkers based on neuroimaging parameters. Some reports suggest that markers of systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and central nervous system-derived components, may serve as additional biomarkers of HE. The involvement of extracellular vesicles and microbiota in the pathophysiology of mHE and HE has recently acquired importance and it would be interesting to explore their usefulness as early biomarkers of the disease. It is important to have a biomarker or a combination of them for early diagnosis of mHE to improve its treatment and prevent progression to overt HE.

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    Relationship of Gaming Disorder with parenting based on low affection-communication and personality trait of neuroticism in adolescents2023-04-27

    Background: Gaming Disorder is increasingly common in adolescents. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between parenting, personality traits, and Gaming Disorder. Methods: An observational and cross-sectional study in six secondary schools of Castelló, obtaining a final sample of 397 students. Results: Adolescents with Gaming Disorder had lower scores in Adolescent Affection-Communication (F = 8.201; p < 0.001), Father’s Warmth (F = 3.459; p = 0.028), and Father’s Acceptance/Involvement (F = 5.467; p = 0.003), and higher scores in Mother’s Revoking Privileges (F = 4.277; p = 0.034) and Father’s Indifference (F = 7.868; p = 0.002) than healthy participants. Male sex was a risk factor for Gaming Disorder (OR = 12.221; p = 0.004), while Adolescent Affection-Communication (OR = 0.908; p = 0.001) and Agreeableness (OR = 0.903; p = 0.022) were protective factors. Data modeling described the protective effect that Adolescent Affection-Communication had on Gaming Disorder, which was both directly (B = -0.20; p < 0.001) and indirectly mediated by Neuroticism (B = -0.20; p < 0.001), while Neuroticism itself was a risk factor for Gaming Disorder (B = 0.50; p < 0.001). Conclusion: These results reflect that Parental style with low affection and communication was directly and indirectly related to the Gaming Disorder, as well as male sex and personality trait of Neuroticism.

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    Personality traits and psychopathology in adolescents with videogame addiction2023-06-01

    El trastorno por uso de videojuegos se incluyó recientemente en la 11ª edición de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades. Se realizó un estudio transversal en cinco institutos, con una muestra final de 119 alumnos. El 6,4% (n = 23) de los sujetos tenía trastorno por uso de videojuegos. Los adolescentes con trastorno por uso de videojuegos mostraron bajos niveles de consciencia (F = 7,82; p = ,001) y amabilidad (F = 3,31; p = ,041); y puntuaron más alto en inadaptación escolar (SMC; F = 9,230; p < ,001) que los sanos. Obtuvimos dos funciones discriminantes que clasificaban correctamente al 60,5% (Z1 = 0,406 × Sexo + 0,560 × Conciencia - 0,677 × SMC; Z2 = 0,915 × Sexo + 0,191 × Conciencia + 0,326 × SMC). Los sujetos con adicción se diferenciaban de los sanos en presentar inadaptación escolar y baja conciencia, mientras que ambos grupos con adicción se diferenciaban en que los alumnos con adicción a videojuegos eran en mayor proporción varones. La probabilidad de trastorno por uso de videojuegos aumentaba si el sujeto era varón (OR [CI 95%] = 4,82 (1,17-19,81); p = ,029) con inadaptación escolar (OR [IC 95%] = 1,08 (1-1,17); p = ,047); mientras que el trastorno por uso de sustancias aumentaba si el sujeto presentaba neuroticismo (OR [IC 95%] =1,07 [1-1,14]; p < ,040), desajuste clínico (OR [IC 95%] = 1,10 [1,01-1,20]; p = ,020), inadaptación escolar (OR [IC 95%] = 1,06 [1-1,13]; p = ,048), bajo ajuste personal (OR [IC 95%] = 0,94 [0,88-0,99]; p = ,047) y síntomas emocionales (OR [IC 95%] = 0,86 [0,78-0,96]; p = ,006).

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    Magnetic resonance imaging as a predictor of therapeutic response to pasireotide in acromegaly2023-10

    Objective: Hyperintensity signal in T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been related to better therapeutic response during pasireotide treatment in acromegaly. The aim of the study was to evaluate T2 MRI signal intensity and its relation with pasireotide therapeutic effectiveness in real-life clinical practice. Design, Patients and Measurements: Retrospective multicentre study including acromegaly patients treated with pasireotide. Adenoma T2-weighted MRI signal at diagnosis was qualitatively classified as iso-hyperintense or hypointense. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I), growth hormone (GH) and tumour volume reduction were assessed after 6 and 12 months of treatment and its effectiveness evaluated according to baseline MRI signal. Hormonal response was considered ‘complete’ when normalization of IGF-I levels was achieved. Significant tumour shrinkage was defined as a volume reduction of ≥25% from baseline. Results: Eighty-one patients were included (48% women, 50 ± 1.5 years); 93% had previously received somatostatin receptor ligands (SRLs) treatment. MRI signal was hypointense in 25 (31%) and hyperintense in 56 (69%) cases. At 12 months of follow-up, 42/73 cases (58%) showed normalization of IGF-I and 37% both GH and IGF-I. MRI signal intensity was not associated with hormonal control. 19/51 cases (37%) presented a significant tumour volume shrinkage, 16 (41%) from the hyperintense group and 3 (25%) from the hypointense. Conclusions: T2-signal hyperintensity was more frequently observed in pasireotide treated patients. Almost 60% of SRLs resistant patients showed a complete normalization of IGF-I after 1 year of pasireotide treatment, regardless of the MRI signal. There was also no difference in the percentage tumour shrinkage over basal residual volume between the two groups.

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    Thyrotoxicosis following SARS-COV-2 vaccination: a case series and discussion2022-05

    Aim: To describe a case series of thyrotoxicosis likely triggered by SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and to warn physicians about this potential correlation. To report clinical, laboratory and imaging findings and provide further information that goes in line with the underlying mechanisms. Methods: Single-center case series based on all the information collected in the hospital medical records, as well as the temporal sequence between the onset of symptoms and COVID-19 vaccination. Results: We report 8 cases with thyrotoxicosis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. 4 cases of Graves’ disease (GD), 2 cases of subacute painful thyroiditis (SAT), 1 case of concurrent GD and SAT and 1 case of atypical subacute thyroiditis. Five patients received BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, 3 patients 1273 mRNA vaccine. The onset of symptoms following vaccination ranged from 10 to 14 days in six of eight patients and from 7 to 8 weeks in two patients. Conclusions: Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the potential correlation between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and thyrotoxicosis, including immune system hyper-stimulation, molecular mimicry and Autoimmune/Autoinflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA). We should pay greater attention to thyroid disorders in patients receiving vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.

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    Factores condicionantes de la lactancia materna en tiempos de COVID-192023-11

    Objetivo: identificar los condicionantes del establecimiento y duración de la lactancia materna (LM) durante la COVID-19 desde la perspectiva de las matronas de la provincia de Castellón (España). Métodos: estudio cualitativo realizado en 2021 mediante la realización de cuatro grupos focales (GF) con matronas de la provincia de Castellón. La recolección de la información se hizo mediante videoconferencias con grabación de voz, que fueron transcritas para posterior análisis del discurso con el programa ATLAS.ti. Resultados: las matronas identificaron como facilitadores de la LM, la puesta en valor de la LM ante las madres y el fomento de la accesibilidad a recursos para solucionar situaciones problemáticas, entre otros. Como barreras refirieron ideas maternas sobre alimentación con fórmulas artificiales construidas desde su biografía, consideración social sesgada sobre el amamantamiento, falta de protocolos para extracción de calostro y déficit en la calidad de información en las redes sociales, principalmente. Reconocen que la pandemia COVID-19 produjo impactos positivos y negativos en la LM. Surgieron medidas para optimizar la promoción de la LM como aumentar la ratio matronas/madres gestantes, asistencia domiciliaria a las 24 h del alta, unificación de protocolos intercentros, ampliación a seis meses el tiempo de incorporación al trabajo y adaptación de la promoción de la LM en redes sociales. Conclusiones: se reportaron condicionantes de la lactancia emergentes del escenario sociosanitario español que sirven de base para diseñar acciones específicas de promoción. Los impactos de la pandemia COVID-19 sobre la LM deben considerarse en situaciones de confinamiento prolongado de la madre.

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    Differences in the interleukin profiles in inattentive ADHD prepubertal children are probably related to conduct disorder comorbidity2024-08-09

    Inflammatory cytokines are involved in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. To quantify the baseline levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and their changes after methylphenidate (MPH), a total of 31 prepubertal children with ADHD were recruited and subclassified into only two ADHD presentations—ADHD attention deficit (n = 13) or ADHD combined (n = 18). The children were also screened for oppositional defiant conduct disorder (ODCD) and anxiety disorder. Blood samples were drawn at 09:00 and after 4.63 ± 1.87 months of treatment. Four pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), IL-5, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)) and three anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, IL-13) were measured using a Luminex® assay. For statistics, a factorial analysis was performed in Stata 15.1. Overall, there were no statistically significant differences in the interleukin (IL) values induced by treatment. When grouped by presentation, the differences were present almost exclusively in ADHD-AD, usually with a profile opposite to that observed in ADHD-C, and with interactions between comorbid factors, with IL-1β (p = 0.01) and IL-13 (p = 0.006) being the ones reaching the greatest statistical significance. These differences are probably related to the ODCD factor, and they disappear after treatment. In conclusion, the changes observed in cytokine levels in prepubertal children only in the ADHD-AD presentation are probably related to comorbidities (specifically ODCD) and are mitigated after treatment.

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    Efficacy of color lenses in abolishing photosensitivity: beyond the one-type-fits-all approach?2021-11

    Objective: Red-light filtering lenses represent an additional option to medication in photosensitive epilepsy. Blue lenses (Clarlet Z1 F133) can dramatically reduce seizure frequency, with a substantial restriction in luminance that can limit their applicability in daily life. We investigated the efficacy of 4 blue lenses with higher transmittance and reduced chromatic distortion in abolishing the photoparoxysmal EEG response (PPR) compared to the gold-standard Z1 lenses. Methods: We reviewed EEG data during photic-and pattern stimulation in 19 consecutive patients (6– 39 years) with photosensitivity (PS). Stimulation was performed at baseline and while wearing Z1 and the four new lenses. Lenses were tested in the same session by asking the patient to wear them in a sequentially randomized fashion while stimulating again with the most provocative photic/pattern stimuli. The primary outcome was the change in the initial PPR observed for each lens, categorized as no change, reduction, and abolition. Results: Photosensitivity was detected in 17 subjects (89.5%); pattern sensitivity (PtS) was identified in 14 patients (73.7%). The highest percentages of PPR abolition/reduction were observed with Z1, for both PS and PtS. Regarding the new lenses, B1 + G1 offered the best rates, followed by B1 + G2. B1 + G3 and B1 showed lower efficacy rates, particularly for PtS. In the comparative analysis, no significant differences in PPR suppression were detected between the five lenses for PS. For PtS, the capacity of Z1 for PPR abolition was significantly higher compared with B1 + G3 and B1. Conclusions: This preliminary study suggests efficacy of the new group of blue lenses with potentially greater tolerability, particularly in regions with fewer sunlight hours during winter. In linewith the current trend for personalized approach to treatment, this study suggests that insomepatients there might be scope in extending the testing to offer the lens with the higher transmittance effective in abolishing the PPR.