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Publication Association between Hydration Status and Body Composition in Healthy Adolescents from Spain2019-11-07 At present, obesity and overweight are major public health concerns. Their classical determinants do not sufficiently explain the current situation and it is urgent to investigate other possible causes. In recent years, it has been suggested that water intake could have important implications for weight management. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the effect of hydration status on body weight and composition in healthy adolescents from Spain. The study involved 372 subjects, aged 12–18 years. Water intake was assessed through the validated “hydration status questionnaire adolescent young”. Anthropometric measurements were performed according to the recommendations of the International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment (ISAK) and body composition was estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Water intake normalized by body weight was positively correlated with body water content (boys (B): r = 0.316, p = 0.000; girls (G): r = 0.245, p = 0.000) and inversely with body mass index (BMI) (B: r = −0.515, p = 0.000; G: r = −0.385, p =0.000) and fat body mass (B: r = −0.306, p = 0.000; G: r = −0.250, p = 0.001). Moreover, according to BMI, overweight/obese individuals consumed less water than normal weight ones. In conclusion, higher water balance and intake seems to be related with a healthier body composition.
- Cuantificación, adecuación de la ingesta y fuentes alimentarias de nutrientes relacionados con el ciclo metionina-metilación (colina, betaína, folatos, vitamina B6 y vitamina B12) en mujeres embarazadas en España
2021-07-11 Objetivo: cuantificar las ingestas dietéticas de los micronutrientes implicados en el ciclo metilación-metionina (colina, betaína, folatos, vitaminas (B6 y B12) en una muestra representativa de mujeres gestantes residentes en España; determinar la adecuación a las recomendaciones, y analizar sus principales fuentes alimentarias. Material y métodos: la determinación de la ingesta media se realizó a partir de los datos de consumo de los alimentos recogidos en la “Encuesta Nacional de Alimentación en población adulta, mayores y embarazadas” (ENALIA-2) (n = 133). Para el cálculo del aporte de folatos y de vitaminas B6 y B12 se emplearon los datos de composición nutricional recogidos en las “Tablas de Composición de Alimentos en España”, mientras que para la colina y la betaína, nutrientes no incluidos en las bases de datos de composición de alimentos en Europa, se empleó la “Base de Datos Nacional de Nutrientes para Referencia Estándar del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos” (USDA). La adecuación de la ingesta se estimó de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de las principales guías españolas, europeas y estadounidenses. Resultados: las ingestas medias diarias observadas fueron de 271,1 mg/día de colina; 142,5 mg/día de betaína; 182,8 μg/día de folatos; 1,4 mg/día de vitamina B6; y 4,5 μg/día de vitamina B12. Los niveles de adecuación a las recomendaciones resultaron insuficientes para la colina (< 60,2 %) y los folatos (< 30,5 %); cercanos a la adecuación para la vitamina B6 (> 71,6 %); y plenamente adecuados únicamente en el caso de la vitamina B12 (> 101,1 %). No resulta posible extraer ninguna conclusión con respecto al aporte de betaína al no existir recomendaciones establecidas. Las principales fuentes alimentarias fueron: alimentos de origen animal para la colina y la vitamina B12 (71,8 % y 97,4 %, respectivamente); cereales y derivados para la betaína (85,3 %); verduras y hortalizas (27,5 %) junto a cereales y derivados (18,6 %) para los folatos; y carnes y derivados (26,6 %), seguidos de verduras y hortalizas (17,9 %) para la vitamina B6. Conclusiones: los resultados obtenidos son indicativos de la necesidad de mejorar la ingesta y el estado nutricional de estos componentes de gran interés para la salud de la mujer embarazada. Como consecuencia del grado de adecuación observado, parece necesario y urgente el empleo no solo de estrategias para mejorar la dieta y el uso de alimentos fortificados, sino también de suplementos nutricionales de manera personalizada.
- Dietary Intake Adequacy and Food Sources of Nutrients Involved in the Methionine-Methylation Cycle in Women of Childbearing Age from the ANIBES Spanish Population
2021-08-25 Growing evidence confirms choline as a critical perinatal nutrient. However, intake levels of choline and betaine among the Spanish fertile population remain unknown. Given their role in one-carbon metabolism with potential epigenetic effects, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the dietary intakes, their adequacy to existing guidelines and the main food sources together with other micronutrients involved in the methylation-methionine cycle (vitamin B6, folates and vitamin B12) in women of childbearing age. The ANIBES study, a cross-sectional study of a representative sample of women of childbearing age (18–45 years, n = 641) resident in Spain, was used. The sample was divided into younger women (18–30 years, n = 251) and older women (31–45 years, n = 390). Dietary intake was assessed by a three-day dietary record by using a tablet device. Total median intakes for the total sample were 303.9 mg/d for choline; 122.6 mg/d for betaine; 1.3 mg/d for vitamin B6; 140.8 g/d for folates, and 3.8 g/d for vitamin B12. The older subgroup showed significantly higher choline (p < 0.05), betaine (p < 0.001) and folates (p < 0.05) intakes than younger women. Main food sources for the whole sample were meat and meat products for choline (28.3%), vitamin B6 (25.7%) and vitamin B12 (22.8%); cereals and derivatives (79.9%) for betaine; vegetables (20.0%) for folates. Overall intake adequacy was only observed for vitamin B12, with a very limited number of participants showing adequate intakes for all the other micronutrients. These results illustrate there is a relevant need to raise awareness about optimizing the status of the methionine cycle-related vitamins and cofactors in this potentially vulnerable population.
- Drug Consumption and Hydration Status: Analysis of the Associations in an Elder Population
2024-08-09 Hydration status plays a key role in healthy ageing, and it is potentially affected by several factors, including drug consumption. However, research on this issue to date is scarce, especially in highly vulnerable groups, such as the elderly. We aimed to study the relationship linking hydration status, analysed by means of a validated questionnaire, 24 h urine analysis, body composition assessment, and drug consumption in a sample of old adults. A total of 144 elders were included in the study. Cardiovascular drug consumption was significantly associated with a lower water intake in men (β = −0.282, p = 0.029). Moreover, urinary analysis revealed that total drug intake as well as the consumption of diuretics and cardiovascular drugs were associated with poorer hydration status, whereas genito-urinary drugs were associated with an opposite effect, and these results were confirmed in terms of body composition. Hence, total drug consumption (β = −0.205), diuretic (β = −0.408), cardiovascular (β = −0.297), and genito-urinary drugs (β = 0.298) were significantly associated (p < 0.05) with total body water. The obtained results confirmed the impact of chronic treatment with certain drugs on hydration status. Nutritional interventions may be of great interest in certain population groups in order to prevent complications due to altered hydration status.
- Effectiveness of Community-Based Interventions Programs in Childhood Obesity Prevention in a Spanish Population According to Di erent Socioeconomic School Settings
2020-09-02 Overweight and obesity amongst childhood are currently global health issues. However, this is the best stage of life to prevent diseases and to promote healthy habits. In our study, we evaluate the effectiveness of the THAO Salud Infantil, a community-based intervention program, by means of a cross-sectional study carried out from 2009 to 2019 surveying children aged 3 to 12 years old (n = 27,686). During the study timeframe, overweight and obesity prevalence, according to both the International Obesity Task Force and Orbegozo Foundation criteria, showed a downward trend. Differences in the anthropometric variables were observed from the beginning to the end of the study, mainly in girls. Analysis of the influence of the socioeconomic status revealed that children from families with lower incomes are in greater risk of suffering from overweight and obesity and showed lower effectiveness of the actions proposed by the program. The overall results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of community-based interventions in terms of childhood overweight/obesity prevention.
- Effects of Milk and Dairy Product Consumption on Pregnancy and Lactation Outcomes: A Systematic Review
2019-05-15 Pregnancy and lactation are considered critical periods in a female’s life. Thus, the maternal diet must provide sufficient energy and nutrients to meet the mother’s higher than usual requirements as well as the needs of the growing fetus. The maternal diet must enable the mother to provide stores of nutrients required for adequate fetal development, and good health and quality of life in infancy and later adulthood. Among the food and beverage groups, milk and dairy products can play a very important role in achieving these targets due to their high nutrient density and bioavailability, as well as their availability and widespread consumption. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of maternal milk and dairy consumption on pregnancy and lactation outcomes in healthy women. This report mainly focuses on the effects of the mother’s intake of dairy products on infant birth weight and length, fetal femur length, head circumference, gestational weight gain, preterm birth, spontaneous abortion, breast milk consumption, and human milk nutritional value. A systematic review of available studies published up toMay 2018 was conducted. A preliminary broad search of the literature yielded 5,695 citations. Four of the investigators independently selected studies for inclusion according to predefined eligibility criteria. Thirty-seven full-text articles were evaluated for potential inclusion, and 17 studies were finally included. Six were prospective cohort studies, 3 were intervention studies, 3 were retrospective cohort studies, 3 were cross-sectional studies, and 2 were case-control studies. Although the number and types of studies prevent definite conclusions, there appears to be a trend that maternal milk intake during pregnancy is positively associated with infant birth weight and length. The lack of studies prevents any conclusions being drawn related to preterm deliveries, spontaneous abortion, and lactation. Adv Nutr 2019;10:S74–S87.
- Estado de hidratación como potencial factor de riesgo de sobrepeso/obesidad en población adulta e infanto-juvenil.
2021-02-17 La obesidad es la enfermedad o condición metabólica más frecuente del siglo XXI y el punto de partida de patologías de diversa índole y gravedad, cuya consecuencia final es una disminución de la calidad y esperanza de vida. Su prevalencia se ha ido incrementando progresivamente a nivel mundial, considerándose hoy en día una verdadera pandemia, ante la cual resulta prioritario establecer medidas que permitan su prevención, así como nuevas formas de tratamiento. Tradicionalmente, se ha considerado que el desarrollo de la obesidad se originaba por un desequilibrio energético mantenido en el tiempo, como consecuencia de una ingesta energética excesiva y/o un gasto calórico deficiente y que, por tanto, los hábitos dietéticos, así como la práctica de actividad física eran sus únicos determinantes. Sin embargo, hoy día se sabe que aunque ambos factores son cruciales, no justifican por sí solos su alta prevalencia, y que existen otros muchos implicados, entre los que podría encontrarse la ingesta hídrica y el balance hídirco. Este hecho resulta especialmente interesante, ya que ello permitiría establecer recomendaciones accesibles, sencillas y económicas y que, por tanto, podrían ser aplicadas a nivel poblacional. Sin embargo, hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo el agua era el nutriente olvidado, y no ha sido hasta los últimos años cuando su estudio ha adquirido relevancia en el ámbito de la investigación, dándose a conocer la gran repercusión que el estado de hidratación ejerce sobre la salud y el bienestar humano. Sin embargo, su estimación entraña una gran dificultad, ya que se trata de un proceso dinámico, sujeto a numerosas variables, cuya evaluación clásica requiere de técnicas complicadas y de elevado coste. Además, a pesar de que se han propuesto diversos biomarcadores, ninguno de forma individual parece ser apropiado para todas las situaciones. Igualmente, se observan grandes diferencias en los resultados de ingesta hídrica obtenidos en los estudios realizados hasta la fecha, hecho que se debe principalmente a la metodología empleada en la recogida de dicha información (encuestas dietéticas clásicas como recuerdos de 24 horas o registros dietéticos), las cuales tienden a infraestimar las bebidas y alimentos consumidos fuera de las comidas principales, en contraposición a los cuestionarios específicos, poniendo así de manifiesto la importancia de emplear herramientas adecuadas en la realización de encuestas y trabajos de investigación. Profundizar en el conocimiento sobre la relación entre el estado de hidratación, el peso y la composición corporal, así como ahondar en la posibilidad de establecer recomendaciones hídricas como forma de prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad resulta de gran interés en la actualidad.
- Importancia pronóstica de la homocisteína en la salud auditiva de dos cohortes de población adulta en España
2023-10-19 La pérdida auditiva (PA) representa un importante riesgo para la salud en todo el mundo, y además de manera creciente debido al envejecimiento poblacional y a las nuevas formas de ocio. Entre las causas de PA, el estado nutricional podría desempeñar un papel clave en la prevención de esta afección mediante el control de los niveles de homocisteína (Hcy), marcador tradicionalmente relacionado con el riesgo cardiovascular (RCV). El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral fue estudiar la relación entre el estado nutricional y la PA a través de nuevas estrategias, como la huella metabólica, en dos cohortes diferentes. Se comparó una cohorte de 160 pilotos de aviación expuestos crónicamente a contaminación acústica en su entorno laboral con una cohorte control de 154 trabajadores universitarios. La función auditiva, la ingesta dietética, determinados biomarcadores, así como los perfiles de suero y lipoproteínas fueron determinados. Paradójicamente, la prevalencia de PA fue similar en ambas cohortes, y elevada. Aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los valores de Hcy y folato, los controles presentaron valores de lipoproteínas significativamente superiores, lo que sugería la posible implicación del RCV en la PA de la cohorte universitaria. En la cohorte expuesta, la PA se asoció con las horas de vuelo, la Hcy y el folato, mientras en los controles la PA se asoció con la Hcy y la vitamina D. Tras ajustar por el perfil RCV, se mantuvo la asociación positiva de la PA con la Hcy en ambas cohortes, evidenciando la fuerte implicación de este metabolito no solo con el RCV, sino también con la PA. La deficiencia de folatos aumentó la susceptibilidad a padecer PA inducida por ruido asociada a hiperhomocisteinemia. Sin embargo, el papel de la Hcy en la PA sin exposición a ruido parece encontrarse parcialmente enmascarado por un perfil cardiovascular alterado.
- Influence of Water Intake and Balance on Body Composition in Healthy Young Adults from Spain
2019-08-15 The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity has become an epidemic public health problem worldwide. In the last years, several investigations have suggested that water intake and retention could have important implications for both weight management and body composition. However, there is a lack of information about this issue globally, and mainly specifically in Spain. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the association between hydration status and body composition in a sample of healthy Spanish adults. The study involved 358 subjects, aged 18–39 years. The recently validated “hydration status questionnaire” was used to assess their water intake, elimination, and balance. Anthropometric measurements were performed according to the recommendations of the International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment (ISAK). Body composition variables were acquired by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Differences in anthropometric and body composition variables were assessed through the ANOVA test and considered significant at p < 0.05. Fluid intake was correlated with body water content. Inverse associations between water consumption, normalized by weight, with body weight, body fat mass, and waist circumference were found. Moreover, according to water balance, significant differences in body water content in females were observed. In conclusion, higher fluid intake seems to be related with a healthier body composition. Therefore, the improvement of water intake and water balance could be useful for overweight and obesity prevention, although further studies are needed to confirm the present findings.
- Nutritional Status of Breastfeeding Mothers and Impact of Diet and Dietary Supplementation: A Narrative Review
2024-01-19Adequate nutrition during breastfeeding is crucial for ensuring the good health of mothers and babies. Despite the high energy and nutrient demands of breastfeeding, lactating women are often vulnerable from a nutritional perspective. The nutritional focus during breastfeeding tends to be on the newborn, often neglecting the mother’s diet. Therefore, in the present narrative review, nutrient intakes were compared with the dietary reference values (DRVs) proposed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as well as by the World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization (WHO/FAO). In the diets of lactating mothers, dietary inadequacies were observed in the intake of some vitamins, such as folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and vitamin D, and in the intake of certain minerals like calcium, iron, and iodine; polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies, primarily in eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, were also observed. On the other hand, the debate on the necessity of supplementation during lactation continues; the need for nutritional supplementation during lactation depends on many factors, such us mothers’ eating habits. There seems to be a positive association between nutritional supplementation of the lactating mother and the concentration of certain nutrients in human milk. The present narrative review provides an update on the nutritional status (fatty acids and micronutrients) of breastfeeding mothers and the impact of diet and dietary supplementation on human milk composition.
- Perception and knowledge of low-and no-calorie sweeteners in multidisciplinary stakeholders from Spain
2022-09-05Low-and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) as a category are one of the most thoroughly evaluated additives, and thus their safety has been largely recognised. However, their potential risks and benefits generate great controversy and discussion within countries' food policies and public debate. The goal of this study was to evaluate the degree of knowledge and the perception of key Spanish stakeholders about the role of LNCS in diet, their safety, regulatory issues and their impact on health and wellness, as well as to complete a SWOT analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats regarding this topic from their perspective. Participants (n = 45 stakeholders) completed an anonymous survey about their knowledge and perception of LNCS, their role in the diet, safety and legislation, as well as health issues and completed a SWOT analysis. Most of them agreed with aspects related to safety guarantees and authorisation procedure of LNCS; however, certain disparity in their opinion in relation to several of the topics was observed, especially regarding the possible role of LNCS in diet quality and health. Effective communication strategies to inform professionals and the general population, as well as new research that deepens our knowledge of the role of LNCS in weight management and other health outcomes seem to be urgently needed.
- Supplementation with Folic Acid or 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate and Prevention of Neural Tube Defects: An Evidence-Based Narrative Review
2024-09-18Background: Folic acid (FA), which in its chemical form is pteroylglutamic acid, is the fully oxidised, water-soluble, monoglutamic form of vitamin B9. This compound is part of the folate group but with higher bioavailability, and it is found in vitamin supplements and fortified foods and drugs. Folate metabolism is complex and associated with various metabolic pathways, all of which confer protection on the cell and allow its survival. Methods: We conducted a non-systematic search of articles published in English and Spanish including controlled trials, cohort studies, systematic re-views, and meta-analyses were included, as well as key studies in animal models related to pharmacokinetic studies. Search terms encompassed: “folic acid”, “folates”, “5-metyltetrahydrofolate”, “5-MTHF”, “neural tube defects”, “supplementation”, “fortification”, AND “homocysteine” Results: A crucial role demonstrated for FA is to help prevent neural tube defects (NTDs). However, more studies are definitely still needed to establish 5-MTHF as a safe and effective therapeutic approach comparable with FA. Moreover, there is a lack of clinical studies that evaluate the efficacy of 5-MTHF supplementation in the prevention of NTDs. The present evidence-based narrative review discusses differences between FA and 5-MTHF in terms of structure, metabolism, bioavailability, clinical efficacy, and safety. Conclusions: Despite the potential value of 5-MTHF as an alternative to FA, clinical studies would be urgently needed to support the efficacy, dosage, timing, and/or safety of its use as a supplement.