doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 381-401 | 391

July-December of 2020

Ana Pano Alamán

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Regarding incluso, this marker links, both semantically and pragmatically, two segments of a discourse, to this end it has a meta-discursive structural function with information with a focusing function. In this sense it adds a final argument as if it were the most relevant (López Serena & Borreguero Zuloaga, 2010: 365-366). In fact, this is an adverb of focus (Portolés, 2010: 295), whose function is to give focus to certain parts of the enunciation. As seen in (14), the focus is placed on the second member, where the speaker highlights the confiscation of face coverings coming from abroad:

(14) First no, now yes. After they stopped face coverings and even (incluso) confiscated ones from abroad (I was affected by that) they “demand” their use now the mask business is under their control? How they play with people’s health,! How irresponsible! (Facebook, 19-05-2020).

The marker has here a cognitive macro-function in relating two co-orientated arguments on a rising scale as regards their argumentative force (García Negroni, 2000). In the following cases, as well as maintaining the same discursive orientation, it increases the force of the argument it introduces (Portolés Lázaro, 1998: 95), given that:

(15) You’d have been kicked out the door of a private company by now. But as it’s the government, paid for by everyone (Even (Incluso) those of us who didn’t vote for them) NO WORRIES!!! No-one has to resign here! (YouTube, 01-03-2020).

(16) A: loads of uneducated idiots are heading for the fiestas in Valencia and the numbers are going to go through the roof, either you cancel them, or the minimum contention is going to be worthless

B: and when will they cancel classes in Catalonia?

C: In Asturias there are even (incluso) schools without kids all year long (Twitter, 10-03-2020).

In fact, an emphatic sense for incluso has been discussed, which “may be related to a nuance relative to a lack of expectation […] in as much as a sentence containing incluso is, basically, a sentence which is not expected to come to pass (as it expresses an event we think unlikely), and that which we do not expect has greater value, should it actually happen, than that which we had foreseen” (Cuartero Sánchez, 2002: 144).

Although with lesser frequency, particularly in Twitter, we should mention the particle sobre todo among the connectors, with an argumentative function of additive co-orientation, which serves to introduce “an argument of greater importance, and without establishing a graded scale” (Domínguez García, 2007: 72), by virtue of which it cannot be compared to the previous markers:

(17) so, let’s see, face masks are now obligatory, cos we’re passing through phases and there’re more people together and the best for prevention is a mask, without one we’d be keeping our distance all the time and that might not work, especially (sobre todo) in shops. (Facebook, 19-05-2020).

In other cases, we can highlight the presuppositional nuances deriving from the particles employed by users and which allow for the inference of the existence of alternatives to that proposed in the focalised constituent or to place this on a hypothetical scale of probability. For example, incluso, as well as highlighting the focus, places it in relation to alternatives that may appear either explicitly or implicitly, that is, are presupposed in this context. (Portolés, 2010: 297). Such functions are particularly evident on the social networks, which tend to follow a principle of linguistic economy (Mancera Rueda y Pano Alamán, 2013: 41).