doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 361-380 | 369

July-December of 2020

Raquel Hidalgo Downing

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

the generic greeting formula, estimado huéspedor apreciado huésped(Dear Guest), or a personalised, estimado XXX(Dear XXX), including the name that appears in the profile or the names the author of the review signs off with. Greeting were also accompanied by initial politeness formulas such as thanks and apologies and confer on the response a formal and elaborate style, which is strikingly similar to conventions of written correspondence, and specifically, business correspondence. Farewells also appear systematically in responses from hotels and are complex, containing politeness formulas, usually an invitation to return to the hotel (‘le invitamos a volver’, ‘please come back) and the formal farewell itself, such as atentamente(sincerely), cordialmente(cordially), accompanied by the signature, with the name of the person who wrote the response and their job title (Commercial Director, Community Manager, Quality Manager).

(7) Opinion 5 Hotel B)

Familia XXX

Lugar muy hermoso, bien ubicado, grato ambiente, rica comida e instalaciones apropiadas. Amabilidad de la mayoría de sus trabajadores. De todas formas, para nosotros sigue siendo mejor XXX sobre XXX y XXX.

(Very beautiful place, well located, pleasant atmosphere, rich food and suitable facilities. Mostly friendly staff. In any case, for us, XXX continues to be better than XXX and Occidental XXX)

Estimada Familia XXX5:

Agradecemos haberse tomado el tiempo para dejarnos los comentarios de su última estancia con nosotros y nos haya compartido su grata experiencia, es nuestra prioridad ofrecer experiencias memorables a todos nuestros huéspedes proporcionando el legendario servicio y la calidez que nos caracteriza.

Esperamos muy pronto poder darle la bienvenida nuevamente a este pequeño paraíso en Cancun.

Saludos Cordiales,


Asistente de Gerencia.

(Dear Family XXX,

We appreciate you taking the time to leave us your comments on your last stay and sharing your pleasant experience with us, it is our priority to offer memorable experiences to all our guests by providing the legendary service and warmth that we are known for.

We look forward to welcoming you back to this little paradise in Cancun.

Kind regards,


Deputy Manager.

As can be seen in (7), while the reviewer does not use greetings or farewells, but rather presents the review in a topic and opinion scheme (Virtanen 2017), the hotel specifically addresses the author (Dear XXX family), by means of a formal and epistolary greeting, and closes the interaction with an invitation (we look forward to welcoming you again very soon), a formal farewell (best regards) and the signature (name and job title). It follows that the reviewer does not use conative forms and does not address opinion to a specific person but to other platform users. However, hotels establish a direct relationship

5 The corpus has been anonymised, so the names of companies or people do not appear.