doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 361-380 | 375

July-December of 2020

Raquel Hidalgo Downing

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

abbreviations, as well as the use of conventional punctuation, suggest that hotel responses are based on letter writing models, and are not real examples of digital writing, since they do not show features of adaptation to the technology being used (16).

(16) Opinion 7 Hotel C


El peor hotel y además es carísimo las habitaciones de cuarta!!!!! Pierden agua por todos lados,los servicios horribles la piscina es para 5 personas como mucho y los bares un desastre no es ni 3 estrellas este hotel perdimos tiempo y Plata cambiando de hotel el show una vergüenza no lo recomiendo para nada!


The worst hotel and apart from being expensive the rooms are fourth rate!!!!!

Water leaks everywhere, the restrooms are horrible the pool is for 5 people at most and the bars are a disaster it’s not even 3 stars this hotel we lost time and money changing hotels the show is awful I do not recommend it at all!

Estimado cliente,

Le agradecemos que nos haga llegar sus impresiones.

Sentimos mucho que en general su experiencia con nosotros no fuera lo que usted esperaba y que haya dejado nuestro hotel con una impresión totalmente opuesta a la que procuramos transmitir siempre

Nos gustaría poder recibirle de nuevo en uno de nuestros hoteles.

Un cordial saludo,

Hotel C

Online Reputation Manager

Dear guest,

We thank you for sending us your impressions.

We are very sorry that in general your experience with us was not what you expected and that you have left our hotel with a totally opposite impression from the one we always try to convey.

We would like to be able to welcome you back to one of our hotels.

Kind regards,

Hotel C

Online Reputation Manager

Thus, we can see the major differences between the review and its response in (16). While the former lacks punctuation marks, reflecting lack of planning and text revision, as well as writing from a mobile device, it also uses multiple exclamation marks to add expressiveness, which is a widespread feature in digital writing. The hotel, on the other hand, does not use those features typical of digital writing on a device and shows care in crafting the copy. The use of a formal and elaborate style, where care is also given to the final editing, is in line with the projection of an image of professionalism that the hotel wishes to convey.