370 | 27, 369-385 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2018

Redefining competences and professional profiles of the audiovisual communicator in the digital ecosystem

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

1. Introduction

The standardization of the Internet as a vehicle for access to information, entertainment and audiovisual entertainment is restructuring the traditional logic of creation, production and distribution of communication companies, which have gone from serving a small number of markets with millions of recipients to facilitating personalized and interactive consumption to millions of individual markets. As a result of digital convergence, viewers and listeners have now become users who participate in intensive exchanges with traditional and rising media through devices and channels increasingly closer to their spaces and interests.

This framework has led to a redefinition of the media, their mediations and even their mediators, the specialists who develop the activities of an industry in which new processes and routines have been introduced that require training often linked to technological developments that might not be guaranteed by university educational programs, which until now have accredited the qualifications of the graduates. The impact of digitization has been particularly decisive in the field of Audiovisual Communication, a degree with a current academic direction that requires a review of its subjects, content, and above all, of the competencies contained in the current curriculums.

1.1. Evolution of education in Audiovisual Communication: profiles and competencies


The digital transformation of the audiovisual industry, as well as changes in the creation, distribution and marketing of content, have resulted in the need for people with new skills and professional profiles. However, the acquisition of such individuals is still not specifically stated in the current curriculums of the Audiovisual Communications Degree. After presenting the inception and development of this degree programme, as well as the effects of the technological convergence on this ecosystem, this article presents the results of a discussion group interview composed of specialists with acknowledged professional experience who also have a substantial amount of confirmed teaching experience. Their reflections allow for the identification and description of profiles, competencies and professional areas demanded by the contemporary market in which technological qualifications are simply not enough without the knowledge of the narrative bases on which stories are built.


Audiovisual Communication; University; Degree; Competencies; Skills and abilities; Digital consumption.


La transformación digital de la industria audiovisual y de sus lógi-cas de creación, producción, distribución y comercialización de con-tenidos ha generado la necesidad de nuevas competencias y perfiles profesionales cuya adquisición no se contempla todavía de forma expresa en los planes de estudio vigentes del Grado en Comunica-ción Audiovisual. Tras exponer el origen y evolución de esta titula-ción y los efectos de la convergencia tecnológica sobre este ecosiste-ma, el artículo presenta los resultados de la entrevista a un grupo de discusión integrado por especialistas de reconocida trayectoria que, además, acreditan una amplia experiencia docente: sus reflexiones permiten identificar y describir los perfiles, las competencias y las áreas profesionales exigidos en un mercado donde la cualificación tecnológica no resulta suficiente sin el conocimiento de las bases na-rrativas sobre las que se construyen las historias.

Palabras clave:

Comunicación Audiovisual, Universidad, Competencias, Destrezas y habilidades, Consumo digital.

Received: 02/11/2018 - Accepted: 12/11/2018

Recibido: 02/11/2018 - Aceptado: 12/11/2018