276 | 29, pp. 275-286 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to informative documentation and journalistic sports writing...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978


In fields such as journalism, the digitalization process runs in parallel to that of robotization tasks, which facilitate professional work and imply the loss of routine jobs at the same time, but also the need to train in emerging disciplines that are progressively entering media newsrooms. The automation of documentation and news production is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data (BG). The main objective of this article is to search for theoretical references on AI applied to journalism as well as to learn about the case of BeSoccer through a case study and in-depth interviews with its CEO and marketing manager. The results allow us to discover new journalism production forms closely linked to BD and IA.


Bots, Content development, Artificial intelligence (AI), Data jour-nalism, Sports journalism.


En campos como el periodismo, el proceso de digitalización corre en paralelo al de la robotización de tareas que, al tiempo que facil-itan la labor profesional, implican la pérdida de puestos de trabajo convencional, pero también la necesidad de formarse en disciplinas emergentes que progresivamente van adentrándose en las redac-ciones de los medios de comunicación. La automatización de las labores de documentación y elaboración de noticias viene dada a partir de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y el big data (BG). Este artí-culo tiene como principal objetivo buscar referentes teóricos sobre la IA aplicada al periodismo, así como conocer el caso de BeSoccer a través del estudio del caso y las entrevistas en profundidad a su CEO y responsable de marketing. Los resultados permiten conocer nuevas formas de producción de contenidos de periodismo aplica-do al ámbito deportivo, así como el perfil del nuevo profesional del periodismo vinculado estrechamente al BD y la IA.

Palabras clave:

Bots, Elaboración de contenidos, Inteligencia artificial (IA), Perio-dismo de datos, Periodismo deportivo.

Received: 29/07/2019 Accepted: 14/10/2019

Recibido: 29/07/2019 Aceptado: 14/10/2019

1. Introduction

In 1970 Toffler predicted some of the implications of technological changes. The terminology from both academic and professional points of view was diverse in the field of journalistic information; they included information overload (Toffler, 1970; Goyanes, 2014; Benaissa, 2017), information intoxication (Cornella, 1999) or informational intoxication (Figueroa, 2006). “Artificial intelligence” (AI) is a new concept that has emerged over time due to the (r)evolution of technologies. Despite AI being relatively recent, as it only dates back to the 1950s, it has progressively acquired different meanings. Ne-vertheless, there is a consensus on the theory of AI as well as the computer systems that are capable of performing tasks that usually implement human intelligence.

Since many of the AI tools that journalists use come from diverse disciplines (engineering, computer science, and statistics, among others), the tools are usually regarded as an opportunity for the future while also having a purpose; to know how to use and implement them in everyday professional life.

Both documentary makers and journalists are increasingly using AI. It is also gradually being incorporated into research agendas and teaching curricula both by teachers and in training centers. For this reason, this article aims to explore “the algorithmic turn” (Napoli, 2014), which is being adopted for news from artificial intelligence, as is the case of BeSoccer.