338 | 27, pp. 337-367 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2018

Skills improvement in self-directed learning using collaborative project-based learning in multimedia...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

1. Introduction

Universities’ adaptation to the requirements of new professions associated with digital communication demands to improve the quality of learning and teaching processes. Thus, enquiring into self-learning in the university training is indispensable to design and implement processes of teaching innovation which collaborate with the development of interdisciplinary skills in undergraduate students.

This research analyzes the use of an active learning method known as “Project-Based Learning” (PBL) from a transmedia dimension, based on the results of a research carried out in the undergraduate students’ training in Communication Studies of the National University of La Rioja (Argentina), in the subject Multimedia Communications, where PBL is applied by means of projects whose final result is a transmedia product.

PBL allows for the integral participation of students, making them protagonists of their own learning, as they develop necessary skills for their future professional practice. As a learning method, PBL is favourable for the digital communication training due to the characteristics of the latter, where the contents, skills and abilities are in the process of continuous changes.

Currently, the expansion of digital technologies has dramatically modified the practice of media production, circulation, and consumption. The different communications environments are marked by hyperconnectivity and continuous changes. This new panorama requires professionals with broad skills in the design and application of strategies of digital


This article shows the results of research conducted at the National University of La Rioja (Argentina). The object of this investigation was to inquire into the improvement of self-directed learning in students that made use of Project-Based Learning (PBL) strategies during the whole academic year. Students implemented these PBL strategies for the making of a transmedia documentary which was central to their training in a particular subject in the last year of the degree of Communication Studies. The results were obtained through an experiment based on pretest and posttest (no control group used) using a questionnaire for self-directed profile enquiry (CIPA, for its acronym in Spanish) in a group of students of Multimedia Communications at the National University of La Rioja. The experiment demonstrates remarkable improvement regarding the continued use of PBL strategies throughout the whole academic year.


ABPC; Comunicación Transmedia, Aprendizaje autodirigido; Co-municación digital.


El presente artículo aborda los resultados de una investigación lle-vada a cabo en la Universidad Nacional de La Rioja (Argentina) donde se indagó sobre las mejoras en el aprendizaje autorregulado de los estudiantes que utilizaron, durante todo el año académico, el método conocido como Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Colabo-rativos (ABPC) para la realización de un documental transmedia como eje central de su proceso formativo en una cátedra universi-taria del último año de la licenciatura en Comunicación Social. Los resultados obtenidos son producto de un experimento con pre-test y pos-test (sin grupo de control) utilizando el instrumento conocido como CIPA+ (Cuestionario de Indagación de Perfil Autodirigido) en un grupo de alumnos de comunicación multimedia de la Univer-sidad Nacional de La Rioja, y en el que se aprecian significativas mejoras relacionadas con el método ABCP y su aplicación sostenida durante todo el cursado anual.

Palabras clave:

ABPC; Comunicación Transmedia, Aprendizaje autodirigido; Co-municación digital.

Received: 01/08/2018 - Accepted: 10/11/2018

Recibido: 01/08/2018 - Aceptado: 10/11/2018