332 | 31, pp. 315-340 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Analysis of the discursive framing strategies used in Spanish press headlines regarding the electoral coverage...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

[Ex. 50]. Elections 2019: Full house for VOX in Las Rozas: 5,000 supporters rally around Abascal (OK Diario, 23/04/2019)

This newspaper also makes the most use of directive illocutivity in 3.8% of the examples in order to appeal to its readers, asking them questions, and even encouraging them to follow the propagandistic actions of Santiago Abascal’s party through the media itself:

[Ex. 51]. What economic changes will take place if the PP-Citizens-Vox block governs after 28 April? (OK Diario, 26/04/2019)

[Ex. 52]. Follow in OK Diario the discourse of Abascal with which he has counterprogrammed the debate (OK Diario, 23/04/2019)

Evidence of expressive illocutivity is displayed in the newspapers analysed by means of what could be described as a “distinct lexical strategy”, especially in the case of El Mundo (66.7%), El Confidencial (56.0%), and El Español (52.7%) [Image 6]:

Image 6. Existence or absence of a conspicuous lexical strategy

Source: prepared by the authors

For example, the recurrent use of metaphors connected with the semantic area of seduction8, or to the area of warfare9, seems to follow this strategy:

[Ex. 53].Vox courts Henríquez de Luna for its lists (El Mundo, 17/04/2019)

[Ex. 54]. Carlos Herrera’s weapons for overcoming Cadena Ser radio: Vox and political radicalisation (El Español, 19/04/2019)

8 In Garrido Medina (2013) an interesting analysis can be found on various metaphors, including those that link sex with politics.

9 As Llamas Saíz (2010) has shown, the conceptual metaphor, AN ARGUMENT IS WARFARE (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 77), is very recurrent in journalistic news.

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