doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 315-340 | 327

July-December of 2020

Ana Mancera Rueda and Paz Villar-Hernández

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Dialogism is another of the strategies that Gallardo Paúls (2021, in press) identifies within the interactive framework. The journalistic discourse constitutes an obliqua allocutio, or an indirect speech, which is “a textual genre basically consisting of different ways of reproducing or referring to the discourse of others” (Méndez García de Paredes, 1999: 101). According to this author, the function of the journalist as narrator and text creator is not only to provide information about a new event, but also to evoke the communicative situation in which the broadcaster transmits the news. By incorporating the discourse of others into his or her own discourse, the narrator accepts it syntactically but attributes it explicitly to the person who made the utterance.

However, as can be seen in the following graph [Image 4], most of the headlines in our corpus do not contain any reported speech:

Image 4. Representativeness of the reported speech in the headlines of each newspaper

Source: prepared by the authors

OK Diario, El Español and ABC use of this type of statement most often, though not with the largest numbers, as they account for 45.3%, 36.5% and 31.0%, respectively.

In the case of OK Diario, the high number of declarative headlines in which the statements of the Vox leader are disseminated is striking; below the reader will find a sample that is small, so as not to make this work excessively long:

[Ex. 30]. Santiago Abascal: “On 28 April we risk the unity of Spain and the freedom of the Spanish people” (OK Diario, 15/04/2019)

[Ex. 31]. Santiago Abascal: “I vow to investigate the purchase of Pablo Iglesias’ detached house” (OK Diario, 15/04/2019)

[Ex. 32]. Santiago Abascal: “The King is fed up with the political class” (OK Diario, 15/04/2019)

Gráfico, Gráfico de barras

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