doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 315-340 | 325

July-December of 2020

Ana Mancera Rueda and Paz Villar-Hernández

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

[Ex. 20]. This is how Rubén Pulido, the second in command at Vox in Sevilla, closed his controversial numismatic company (El Español, 11/04/2019)

Sometimes there is a relationship of contiguity or enlargement between the headline and its accompanying photograph (Mancera Rueda, 2019). As pointed out by Duque Gómez (2016: 23), this type of discourse relationship “presents its members as being connected in the natural order of things. There is no discontinuity between them and the perceptive operation they propose is a spatial or temporal progression”. For example, notice the exophoric ad oculos (obvious on sight) reference (Bühler, 1934 [1979]) to the demonstrative pronoun in the following headline:

[Ex. 21]. Four years separate these two photographs of Santiago Abascal taken in Seville (OK Diario, 25/04/2019).

Image 2. Image published by OK Diario to illustrate the headline “Four years separate these two photos of Santiago Abascal taken in Sevilla”.

Source: OK Diario.

Image available at: (Last search: 14/06/2020)

Or there is also nominal syntagma of [Ex. 22], to which the qualifying adjective gives it an assessment features, and it could be said that the headline fulfils a descriptive purpose4

[Ex. 22]. Abascal’s amusing tweet summary of the TVE debate (OK Diario, 22/04/2019)

4 Not surprisingly, according to Duque Gómez (2016: 23), “relationships of spatial contiguity are typical of description when dealing with specific entities”.

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