262 | 28, pp. 261-283 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2019

Journalistic deontology on violence against women. Who produces the documents? A longitudinal disaggregated...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

1. Journalistic deontology on violence against women. Reflections on a literature review.

Violence against women (hereafter, VAW) 1 is a current global Human Rights problem and is pervasive in all societies. It is a timeless phenomenon that does not discriminate in terms of nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, religions, and customs- although all these elements can influence different manifestations and forms of violence (Zurbano-Berenguer, 2015b). Instead, it is characterized by its universality.

The magnitude of the problem is such that it has a prevalence of 30% worldwide according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), in other words, one in three women who have had an intimate relationship with a man “has been a victim of physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence” and 38% of femicides committed globally “are due to conjugal violence” (WHO, 2013: 2). The national outlook is no less bleak: from January 1, 2003 –when official figures began to be recorded–

1 Violence against women is defined as: “the acts and threats of such acts, performed in public and private life that are life-threatening, a danger to women’s and girl’s integrity, body and dignity and whose origin (explicit or otherwise) to control and subjugate the female gender is based on an underlying socio-ideological model that determines the roles, attitudes and identities of the social subjects (men and women) according to their sexual condition, which is also influenced by other categories such as class, race, ethnicity, religion and heteronormativity, among others” (Zurbano-Berenguer, 2018: 83).


The article focuses on the study of the authorship of deontological production on violence against women and the media in Spanish and Latin American contexts from 1999 to 2018, based on a sample of 58 guidelines. Objectives: to analyse the specific authorship by gender to identify men’s and women’s degree of involvement and whether there is a relationship between the gender of the authors’ of the guidelines and their level of commitment to them. Methodology: the use of empirical research techniques for the study of the authorship, from which five types have been established, women or majority of women, men or majority of men; mixed; a women’s collective; and institutional authorship (unknown). Results: 60% of the guidelines were written with women’s advice, while 9% has been attributed to men. In 10% of them men and women have participated equally, 7% presumably belongs to women’s collectives, and the remaining 14% of authorship is unknown. Moreover, this quantitative difference is related to the degree of commitment of the guidelines, that is, the guidelines attributed to women present higher levels of commitment than those produced by men.


Violence against women; deontology; journalism; guidelines; authorship


El artículo se centra en el estudio de la autoría de la producción deon-tológica en materia de violencias contra las mujeres y medios en los contextos español y latinoamericano desde 1999 hasta 2018, a partir de una muestra de 58 códigos. Objetivos: analizar la autoría espe-cífica atendiendo a la variable de género para conocer el grado de implicación de mujeres y hombres y detectar si existe relación entre el género de los autores de los códigos y el nivel de compromiso de estos. Metodología: empleo de técnicas de investigación empíricas para el estudio de la autoría, a partir del cual se han establecido cinco ti-pos: mujeres o mayoría de mujeres; hombres o mayoría de hombres; mixta; colectivo de mujeres; autoría institucional (se desconoce). Resultados: el 60% de los códigos han contado con el asesoramien-to de mujeres para su redacción, mientras que el 9% se atribuye a hombres. En el 10% han participado tanto hombres como mujeres de manera equitativa, el 7% pertenece, presuntamente, a colectivos de mujeres, y del resto (14%) se desconoce su autoría. Además, esta diferencia cuantitativa guarda relación con el grado de compromiso de los códigos, es decir, los códigos atribuidos a mujeres ofrecen ni-veles de compromiso más elevados que los elaborados por hombres.

Palabras clave:

Violencias contra las mujeres; deontología; periodismo; códigos; autoría

Received: 22/01/2019 - Accepted: 05/05/2019

Recibido: 22/01/2019 - Aceptado: 05/05/2019