322 | 27, pp. 317-336 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2018

Interdisciplinarity of professional profiles as a basis for the fight against hatred on social networks: Rewind

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

b. The communication of messages that were previously limited to the private sphere has become public in an absolutely massive way.

c. Decentralization of communication, since anybody can broadcast a message with a huge audience potential.

Thus, Jubany and Roiha (2016) warn about the fallacy of digital dualism: hatred speech on social networks, although it has the specificity of the medium, it is nothing more than public externalization of an underlying problem in society in general, regardless of the scenario in which it manifests itself.

To combat hatred on social networks you can follow different strategies:

- Monitoring and research, to better know the magnitude of the problem of hatred speech and explore the possibility of using early warning systems capable of identifying it automatically.

- Pressure on the social-network-operating companies, aimed either at modifying their policies regarding the type of content that can be shared or at withdrawing specific content. (Cabo Isasi & García Juanatey, 2016)

- Change of the perceptions and attitudes of the users of the network against hatred speech both on the Internet in general and on social networks, in particular.

In this regard, the European Union has developed an intense activity aimed at finding solutions to this problem, such as the signing of the Code of Conduct with technology companies, and agreements with UNESCO and the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).

The use of social networks as a teaching innovation tool has also been studied deeply and, among the existing literature, we highlight the research of the FONTA Group as a reference in this field (Vivar et al., 2011: 45). The objectives that can be achieved, according to these authors, can be divided into four main blocks:

1. Implement adequate and sufficient tools within the study center so that students can efficiently and effectively complete their own proposals for the acquisition of competencies according to the European Higher Education Area. This fact, in addition, entails an increase in the motivation of the student, with which the risk of failure, both inside and outside the classroom, is considerably reduced.

2. Look for feedback and interactivity among the agents that make up the project and, in general, with any of the publics of interest that are around it. All this results in a spirit of continuous improvement on the part of all these publics and, therefore, it feeds back the system itself for future editions of the project. That is, a guide, both referential and operational, that marks the evolution of the group in their use of the social channels of Web 2.0, is set.

3. The multi-support and multiscreen capability of social networks, such as Facebook, also allows us to explore and research their use according to the particular characteristics. This entails the obtaining of data that allows us to clarify what uses, what purposes, what needs and what motivations are the predominant ones regarding the topic that worries the project and also with respect to the users that participate in an active, passive, direct and indirect way, within it.

4. The training of students as a step prior to their incorporation into the world of work, especially when new profiles generated by Web 2.0 such as a Community Manager, Social Media Manager ...are being demanded This fact is tangential with the concept of learning by doing that marked the genesis of project.