doxa.comunicación | 27, pp. 317-336 | 333

July-December of 2018

Olga Kolotouchkina, María Henar Alonso Mosquera, Juan Enrique Gonzálvez Vallés

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Antonio Miguel Carmona (PSOE Madrid).

Several influencers and corporate accounts also joined the campaign, the following stand out:

ItsMixta: Youtuber with 129,000 subscribers on its channel and 276,000 followers on Instagram.

Brioenfurecida: Instagrammer with 166,800 followers on its Facebook page and 46,000 fans on Instagram.

Local Police of Murcia: 12,500 followers on Twitter.

Women in equality: 7,600 followers on Facebook.

Concepto05: 3,200 followers on Twitter.

‘Peer to Peer Facebook Global Digital Challenge’ was an innovative teaching initiative in terms of its approach to combat extremism on networks, both for its unique dynamics (a real experience of comprehensive campaign implementation, even with a budget), which replicates the circumstances of the professional environment, as well as its connection with the university world, which makes it possible to increase the diffusion and repercussion of the generated contents, promoting the social activism of young people.

The participation of CEU San Pablo University consisted of an interdisciplinary team of four professors and eight students from the field of Communication and Humanities, for the development of the Rewind campaign with a division of tasks analogous to that of a true communication agency. The transversality of the human team provoked a logical reaction in the form of a teaching methodology that shied away from standards to focus on innovation, creativity and the unbeatable patina that the concept of learning by doing causes.

The competences raised by the faculty were made explicit in an effective division of tasks among the eight participating students, according to their specialty. However, team spirit conditioned the whole strategy since there were no tight departments or competencies that could not be assumed by any member of the project, thanks to the training they received or had already received in the different grades of the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences of CEU San Pablo University.

When analyzing the issue of hatred on social networks, it should be borne in mind that, only in Spain, more than 15 million users use social networks. Based on this information, it should be added that such networks are the platform chosen by a big part of the population to communicate their opinions and thoughts, without at times meditating on the damage that these messages can cause to others when comments do not start by respecting the other. Suffice it to consider some chilling data such as the influence of online harassment on the suicide rate among the young population, or the high percentage of comments that show sexist, racist or xenophobic attitudes.

Therefore, the Rewind campaign of capturing the silent majority that allows such behaviors, as well as the so-called haters that promote hatred speech, with the aim of achieving a change in attitude, in addition to identifying said haters to prevent possible actions derived from their radical and antisocial opinions.

With a content strategy aimed at raising awareness, informing and persuading for the identification of such behaviors, through the emoji rewind, a reach superior to twenty million users in the world was achieved, and a rate of engagement above eight. percent, as well as the support of influencers, media and authorities, who have supported the initiative.