312 | 31, pp. 303-314 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

The notion of homeland in Unidos Podemos discourse (2016-2017): the articulation of a constructive patriotism

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

[In the last few weeks, we have seen and heard a lot of patriotism of the kind of wrapping up in flags and so on. I believe that there is a real patriotism which is that of those who are defending, with great difficulties, our natural heritage (López de Uralde Garmendia, DS, 11/07/2017, p. 25)].

[I imagine you already know, but we are the third country in the world in number of cultural assets considered World Heritage by Unesco and it is surprising the love and protection that our heritage deserves given that you are so patriotic (García Sempere, DS, 22 / 11/2017, p. 42)].

[so that our country can boast of having one of the most advanced industries in Europe, and not be the country that can exclusively offer low wages and sun and beaches to the European middle classes? To be a patriot is to stand up for innovation and for a strong production model (Iglesias Turrión, DS, 06/13/2017, p. 50)].

[On March 8, Spain, Spanish women showed that our country is at the forefront of feminism (Iglesias Turrión, DS, 06/26/2018, p. 6)].

[understand that what a patriot should do, that what a democrat should do, is work tirelessly to kick you out (Montero Gil, DS, 06/13/2017, p. 8)].

Homeland is not a timeless concept that is built up from the present. Unidos Podemos has tried to give it a historical background, linking it with the values of the Spanish Second Republic and with the anti-fascist struggle of the 1930s. Hence, terms related to this semantic field emerge when referring to the International Brigades or when speaking of the political resistance that fought European fascism.

[The 80th anniversary of the arrival of the International Brigades in our homeland is commemorated these days. To the few who remain alive and to those who have kept the flame of their memory burning, thank you for coming to our homeland to fight fascism (Iglesias Turrión, DS, 10/27/2016, p. 19)].

[We are in a time when the 1930s should be remembered, when the European liberal systems entered into crisis and when the threat of fascisms was only overcome by a response that was called European antifascism, an alliance between organizations of the working class, liberal political forces and also by patriotic political forces (Iglesias Turrión, DS, 03/15/2017, p. 15)].

Throughout this work we have argued that the main task of the Unidos Podemos has been to articulate a constructive patriotism that opposes the blind nationalism of the conservatives. However, in the speech of Unidos Podemos there are also exaltations to the homeland that are closer to chauvinism than social patriotism. On several occasions, the members of Parliament use expressions such as “loving the country” or “having faith in it”. These statements seek to consolidate the new conceptual framework, but, at the same time, they are very close to the blind patriotism that they try to fight and run the risk of being confused with the traditional nationalism that they try to eradicate.