doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 303-314 | 309

July-December of 2020

Carmen González Gómez

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

[Ladies and gentlemen, the history of the Spanish elites is not a history of entrepreneurship, innovation, and patriotic spirit. Unfortunately, the history of the power elite in Spain is the history of how to benefit from the state and from the people (Iglesias Turrión, DS, 06/13/2017, p. 40)].

[You are the political fraction of a network of anti-patriotic, that is what you are. (Applause). Your economic policy, Mr. Hernando, had a name, Rodrigo Rato, an alleged criminal, and it has a symbol, Bankia; do not boast about economic policy in the context of the European Union (Iglesias Turrión, DS, 03/15/2017, p. 48)].

[The social problem we face is having, as we have in Spain, 30% of empty houses in Europe. The problem we have in this country is that the lords of the Partido Antipopular have been working on selling it to pieces. They are nothing but traitors who are selling our country to the vulture funds (…) They are doing it because it is a business for the vulture funds, and if that were not the case, explain to me what Blackstone and the like are doing in this country. Who is selling out this country: the traitors, the Anti Popular party” (Mayoral Perales, DS, 09/20/2017, p. 40)].

Homeland traitors are those who “wear the bracelet on their wrist” and then do not hesitate to plunder the country and privatize public resources. For Unidos Podemos, both the Partido Popular and Ciudadanos undertake labor reforms that harm the working class, legislate against the interests of the people and, therefore, are not entitled to exalt the term homeland in their speeches. As soon as they get a chance, they give the best of their homeland to billionaires like Sheldon Adelson to loot it and do business at the working class’ expense.

[And when faced with looting, an outrageous pillage, the Government of the Partido Popular, which call themselves patriots, which call themselves nationalists, said absolutely nothing, perhaps because they were busy privatizing other services and other public companies, such as AENA, or they were carrying out labor reforms, which are those that explain how wages have been falling every year in a systematic way, thus increasing the exploitation of the working class of our country (Garzón Espinosa, DS, 06/14/2017, pp. 22 and 23)].

[This is completely illegal and, of course, unconstitutional too; but I don’t see any patriots, the kind who wear the Spanish flag on their wrist and who have bank accounts in Switzerland, of course, crying out. And I think they should, because systematic non-compliance with the law and the Constitution does break Spain, it breaks it in half (Rodríguez Rodríguez, DS, 10/17/2017, p. 12)].

[In fact, your attitude and that of Ciudadanos remind me of that maxim said by a character whose name I don’t want to remember. That character said that, just when the country was on the edge of the abyss, we took a step forward. And this is what this non legislative motion means, a step forward to fall into the abyss (Domènech Sampere, DS, 09/19/2017, p. 39)].

[Wash your mouth before talking about patriotism, because you neither love this country nor do you work for its people. And now that you have removed your mask and that your orange crutch has also removed it, you can say it clearly: social rights are an inconvenience for you; you don’t care about the more than two million long-term unemployed people in our country, and neither do you about half of the unemployed people in our country who have no income (Franco Carmona, DS, 09/28/2017, p. 18)].