doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 303-314 | 307

July-December of 2020

Carmen González Gómez

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

[For you, patriotism has to do with spying, extorting, financing irregular police units, which leak false and unsigned reports to the media to criminalize democratic political parties, Catalan political parties, but also Spanish political parties. For us, patriotism is something else and we have explained it many times. For us, patriotism is to defend public services, to protect families in which everyone is unemployed, to defend the honor of the institutions by preventing them from becoming a war machine against political adversaries, because that is the only red line that separates the states where the law rules from those in which the elite rule. If you insist on talking about patriotic police, we must tell you that it seems to us a deeply unpatriotic behavior. The patriotic behavior of the police is demonstrated when they are capable of investigating corruption schemes, many allegedly linked to your party, despite your obstructions, or despite the protection given to Mr. Rodrigo Rato (Errejón Galván, DS, 27/09/2016, p. 50)].

[affirming that we want them to prosecute the corrupt people in your party and not people for their political ideas, and making clear that those who stain their name –as has been accredited in this Commission– creating vigilante structures that stain the name of the police forces of our country, they are unpatriotic, which is what you are, unpatriotic” (Montero Gil, DS, 09/21/2017, p. 25)].

[Mr. Rajoy, you are going to have us in front of you in this legislature basically because we love our homeland, we love Spain and we love the good things that exist in our country, because, indeed, in our country there are many good things despite you; and like us, many compatriots who are not members of Parliament, but who defend a public health system, who defend a public education system, who defend the right to housing, who defend civil rights ”(Iglesias Turrión, DS, 10/27/2016, p. 32)].

In the economic field, Unidos Podemos has presented the conservative forces as “unpatriotic”: those who exalt the country in their speeches are those who later act against the general interest. True patriots do not hand over the sovereignty of the nation to the European economic powers, nor do they put up with the harsh conditions that they impose, condemning countries like Spain to be the periphery of Europe. Although the discourse against the European oligarchies is no longer as present as it was at first, criticism continues towards the northern countries of the European Union for the sacrifices they demand from those of the south.

[The defenders of the homeland, ladies and gentlemen of the Partido Popular! In order to maintain this extractive economic model, you have had to act against the general interest, and also treat our Constitution as wastepaper (Montero Gil, DS, 06/13/2017, p. 11)].

[Why is it that when a Spanish citizen has a lawsuit against Google, do they have to sue under the rule of the North American courts? This amendment is very sensible, and we believe that you, patriots of the Partido Popular, should defend the sovereignty of our country (Díaz Pérez, DS, 06/20/2017, p. 40)].

[This is not the image of my homeland that I want to be known abroad, an image linked to platitudes and corruption, gentlemen of the PP. Finally, with regard to sovereignty –in this I agree with you– the right of the citizens of a country to decide about their own future, exactly the opposite of what you did when agreeing with this party to reform article 135 of the Constitution, that is, to surrender the sovereignty of our country (Iglesias Turrión, DS, 03/15/2017, p. 48)].