246 | 29, pp. 235-254 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2019

Automated sports journalism. The AnaFut case study, the bot developed by El Confidencial...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

also provide data referring to the name of the stadium in which the match was played or the coach of one of the teams (“the team coached by...”). On the other hand, this model would serve as a synonym or second reference to avoid further repetitions.

Image 5

Screenshot of the headline of a report published on 10-02-2019.

A defining element of the length of the reports written by AnaFut is the estimated reading time, which is indicated at the left margin of the screen under the signature and labels. Thus, the duration varies between 43 seconds for the shortest text and one minute for the longest. Only in three cases does the time exceed two minutes (Table 2). The standard duration is approximately one minute, which is the estimated reading time of half the reports studied.

Table 2

Report length

Estimated reading time

Estimated reading time

% of total

43-50 seconds



50-57 seconds



58 seconds-1 minute



More than 1 minute



Source: created by the authors

As for the structure of the paragraphs, in the lead (Image 6), they usually consist of three sentences, or four at most, which are either simple or coordinated, and between one and three sentences in the rest of the paragraphs. There are hardly any subordinate sentences, and when they appear they are usually of the adverbial type introduced by “while”.

Image 6

First paragraph screenshot. Report published on 09-02-2019.