202 | 28, pp. 201-221 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2019

Sexual and sexist cyber-harassment towards young girls. New online versions of patriarchal oppression...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

1. Introduction and contextualization

In order to understand human relationships in today’s Information Society requires a decoding and analysis of the interactions that converge in digital spaces (Castells, 2005). Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which include relationships (henceforth referred to as ICTR), inevitably impact on being, acting and doing, and therefore information, communication and ways of relating to each other have become “hooked” on these technological instruments (Instituto de la Mujer, 2008; Zafra, 2010).

Undoubtedly, ICTR have brought about convenience, possibilities and technological, social and political progress. They have enabled the management of a virtual world full of opportunities for both individual and community development. However, this technological, social and cultural progress has also resulted in digital risks marked by traditional conditioning from the offline world, as is the case of the patriarchal system and macho culture (Zafra, 2005a, 2010; Wajcman, 2004; García & Nuñez, 2008). In this sense, the gender frameworks found in ICTR have become the centre of attention and the object of study in a variety of sources (Turkle 1997; Alcañiz, 2001; Boix, Fraga & Sedón, 2001; Castaño & Caprile, 2010; Castaño, 2005, 2008; Zafra, 2005a, 2005b, 2010; Díaz, 2001; Wajcman, 2004; Instituto de la Mujer, 2008; Haraway, 1991).


This paper, which derives from the PhD thesis ¨The Macho-driven digital Iceberg¨, uses a qualitative methodology and gender and (cyber) feminist theory to explore sexual and sexist cyberbully-ing of female adolescents in the Basque Country. To confront this reality, 9 discussion groups were formed: 3 male, 3 female and 3 mixed, with students from stages equivalent to GCSE and FE (4th year compulsory secondary education and 1st year further educa-tion) (Spanish ESO and Bachiller), as well as 2 online forums. This qualitative methodology has allowed us to analyse the different types of bullying suffered by teenage girls, and study in depth the sexist and macho/patriarchal structures underlying these forms of cyberviolence.

Amongst the most relevant results, of most significance is that, just as in offline reality, the social media produce schematic and asymmetric gender relationships and, consequently, gender vio-lence. On social media specific forms of cyber violence are aimed at girls, who receive more insults about their physical appearance, are sexually intimidated and receive more sexist comments than boys.


Sexual/sexist cyber-harassment; cyber feminism; adolescents; gender.


El presente artículo parte de los datos obtenidos en la tesis doctoral “El Iceberg Digital Machista” y utiliza una metodología cualitativa para adentrarse desde una lectura de género y (ciber)feminista en el Ciberacoso sexual y/o sexista que sufren las chicas de la Comuni-dad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV). Para abordar esta realidad, se han realizado 9 grupos de discusión con el alumnado de de la ESO y de Bachiller de la CAPV (3 de chicas, 3 de chicos y 3 mixtos), así como 2 foros telemáticos. Este engranaje metodológico cualita-tivo ha permitido analizar las distintas formas de acoso que sufren las chicas, y profundizar en las estructuras patriarcales/machistas y sexistas que subyacen a estas formas de ciberviolencia.

Entre los resultados más relevantes cabe destacar que, al igual que sucede en la realidad offline, en las redes sociales se reproducen es-quemas de género y relaciones asimétricas, y, por ende, violencias machistas. Concretamente, en las redes sociales se dan formas espe-cíficas de ciberviolencia contra las chicas, que son más insultadas por su físico, intimidadas sexualmente, y reciben más comentarios sexistas que los chicos.

Palabras clave:

Adolescentes, género, ciberacoso sexual y/o sexista, ciberfeminismo.

Received: 17/01/2019 - Accepted: 13/05/2019

Recibido: 17/01/2019 - Aceptado: 13/05/2019