204 | 31, pp. 187-205 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Literary resources used by Leila Guerriero in her journalistic profiles

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Thus, Guerriero’s style acquires an outstanding formal richness. She explores literary resources without ever losing sight of content. In other words, form and content go hand in hand for Guerriero. At the same time, she achieves a musicality and rhythm in her writing that sometimes brings her work close to poetry.

4. Guerriero takes certain resources from the New Journalism that are also present in fictional literature, such as the construction of scenes, the transcription of entire dialogues, and the description of details that indicate the status of the person profiled, ranging from clothing and physical appearance to the surroundings. Moreover, she leaves out those that do not fit with her style, such as variation in point of view.

5. As has been demonstrated, Leila Guerriero’s profiles have certain peculiarities that have shaped her own highly unique style. Her use of New Journalism resources, the complexity of mode and voice, and the variety and richness of the literary resources she uses, which in turn impregnate her texts with rhythm and musicality, lead us to affirm that she has created a very personal way of carrying out journalistic work. She is remarkably rigorous in her investigations, which often last months or even years, as can be seen in her book-profiles. Guerriero is also highly meticulous in reflecting the information she has collected, yet at the same time she is exceptionally creative and original in her writing. For all of the reasons stated above, and as a result of having studied her profiles by applying analysis models to delve deeper into the literary works examined, it can be concluded that Leila Guerriero has created a style of narrative journalistic writing that has brought her profiles close to the status of literature.

5. Bibliographic references

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