doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 167-185 | 175

July-December of 2020

Salvador de León Vázquez

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The organization of data in Table 1 goes from higher to lower occurrence according to regulations, the influence of the national State on region environments is manifest. As the number of regulatory laws decreases, it is evident that a topic of the own agenda of the subnational entities and not total from the states that form the federal pact.

Every subnational entity has an average of five specific laws on social communication related to two more sets: 1) the constitutional mandate of unrestricted access to public information and 2) personal data protection, obligated to create legal instruments for each state. For this reason, all subnational entities have laws related to these two subjects; Table 1 shows this information. The creation of legal documents on these subjects is practically identical to all the entities. Accountability found that one of the entities, Morelos has two laws that are in the protection of the personal data category: one that is similar to the rest; the other refers to the statistics generation; this offers personal information that is necessary to keep; this explains the 33 instruments in the rubric, this being the broader set.

In the second, a third set appears in importance order by the number of laws that sustain the official newspapers of the states. These make public, and here it starts is term regulations, norms, decrees, and Public Politics. They are the formal governmental communication that links the state decisions with citizens; 21 of 32 entities recognized this type of law. The rest of the regulations of this type may appear at the regulation level and not as principal legislation2.The legislative hierarchy given to the instruments is part of the particular decisions that correspond to subnational entities; they configure the institutionalism that integrates them. The legislative hierarchy configures institutionalism on the instruments; and it is a factor in particular decisions of the subnational entities.

A fourth significant group is the journalists and human rights activists’ laws protection. This group is relevant for quantity, which has 12 regional instruments, also for the phenomenon that serves. Mexico is the most dangerous country to exercise journalism, and for the number of crimes committed against informants3. Eleven of these laws are similar to the federal norm in the subject, establishing protection measurements and mechanisms to execute them with some regional variants according to the financial and human sources that are possible to destiny to this labour. In this set, the State Commission for Attention and Protection to Journalists Law in the state of Veracruz is relevant. This entity represents more attacks to journalists in the country; its legislation is to regulate the administration of the commission; it does not administer the installation of protection measures. This situation is interpreted as a lack of political will caused by the failed transition to democracy in Veracruz, which creates regional authoritarianism centred on simulation (Olvera & Del Palacio, 2017). Also, it is necessary to indicate that there are entities with high rates of violence against journalists that do not have state law to protect them as Chihuahua, Oaxaca, and Sinaloa4.

2 In this methodological section, the author states that he worked with the principal laws, not with the secondary of regulatory type.

3 According to UNESCO (2018), between 2016-2017, México lead the world list of journalists murders, counting 13 cases per year; most of them were local journalists.

4 For more information related to the attacks on journalists, it is possible to access to the web site of the Especial Federal Special Prosecutor for Attention to Crimes Committed against Freedom of Expression (FEADLE) from the government of Mexico ( Here, it is possible to read general and updated information by entity.