doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 167-185 | 181

July-December of 2020

Salvador de León Vázquez

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

technologic innovations, the new practices of the professional communicators, the reordering of the public actors in front of new platforms of broadcasting of information, the new business models for the media companies and, in general, the new forms of interacting of people to challenges so wide as the self-existence in a hyper-connected world in which we are nowadays.

6. Conclusions

Because this is a research topic very little studied, this work has a descriptive and exploratory character; we decided to begin from the subnational space consideration to recognize the autonomy of the states of the Mexican Republic. They represent regional communities with specific problems, which search for particular solutions; one way to find solutions for those problems is by elaborating legal norms. These norms, more than discursive formulations, represent a social order; this order is under federalism that implies a Legal hierarchy that Vado (2008) formulates in three levels: entire legal community, the federal legal community, and the local legal community. Each has a connection with the rest, but also autonomy in which is an authority and organizes its population.

The assumption of the social communication legislation of the state entities represents evidence of the subnational category. This situation occurs when diverse solutions configure as particular problems in regions of Mexico. Under this idea, these regions are different between them because of their different democratic progress levels, and irregular process of modernization (González & Echeverría, 2017) would have contrasting expressions from the communicative phenomena that live. This situation could be visible in the review of the laws elaborated about it; this is a way of formalizing and set these expressions.

The analysis resulted in a total of 144 laws of subnational entities related to several aspects of social communication aspects. The theoretical-methodological foundations previously stated allow organizing these laws in five categories based on its analysis: 1) accountability and data protection, 2) government communication, 3) freedom of expression and right of the audiences, 4) media and audiovisual industries regulations, and 5) digital rights and electronic, digital and open government. The presented order corresponds to a hierarchy related to its volume. The first category is present in all entities of the country. Also, the elaboration of these documents is similar in all cases; these two signs show that corresponds to a national legislative agenda present in the regions.

The following categories decrease gradually in volume, at the same time that they spread in the characteristics of its elaboration; for these aspects, it accepts that they correspond to particular regional agendas. This situation is consistent with the theoretical foundations that assume that the region communities configure the legal norms related to the problems of them, and these are diverse.

Finally, the contribution of this work is to offer elements to enrich the discussion of social communication exercise in the regions. Analysis of regulations that legalize media and communicative practices take the subnational categories, to problematize the differences of the democratic processes in the states of the Republic. This category has been