160 | 31, pp. 153-166 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Informational autonomy in Nuclear Communication: analysis of current legislation

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

may include specialists in communication from the regional authorities as well as experts from the plant itself21 (Cobos & Recoder, 2019a).

Graph 1. Map of legislation on Nuclear Communication

Source: Created by the author

3.2. Communication praxis of nuclear plants in Spain and the recommendations of official agencies

In Spain, communication under normal circumstances is the competence of the nuclear plants, or of the economic interest grouping or company that backs them –depending on each case–, always assuming compliance with the established regulation and, as mentioned, it must obey the protocol in situations of operational nuclear crisis and of transparency. Communication in situations of nuclear emergency is a regulated and protocolized activity wherein responsibility for communication is assumed by official agencies (Cobos & Recoder, 2019a).

Communication experts in Spanish nuclear plants say, in the interviews, that atomic plants have –since their construction– sought, through communication, to gain the trust of the general public and of different interest groups which are in a position to decide on the future of their commercial activity.

In search of public acceptance of nuclear energy, it seems necessary, in the first place, to carry out responsible commercial activity, and then to inform the interested parties by means of communication and public dialogue (Cobos, 2017), taking into consideration that stakeholders, such as the media, for example, have influence on public perception of nuclear energy (Cobos & Recoder 2019c). Godall (2016) understands this communication as a “responsibility” that the plants must assume with the different publics.

21 Other participants in the prior execution of the information program are: the operating groups of the PEN; directors of the PAMEN; the Ministry of Health and Consumption; the CSN and the corresponding organs of the relevant regional governments and the Ministry of the Interior.