26 | 31, pp. 19-39 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Learning about reputational risk in the era of Covid-19: disinformation as corporate risk

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The data obtained through the questionnaire have been stored and processed using Excel software. The answers obtained represent 48% of the universe, reaching an acceptable degree of representativeness. The sampling error margin is ± 4.5% with a confidence level of 2σ=95%. The distribution of the sample by gender is as follows: 61% men and 39% women.

The participants have university degrees; those most frequently mentioned are Journalism (43%), Advertising and Public Relations (23%), Economics and Business Studies (18%), and Law (11%). Other participants have MBAs as well as Master’s Degrees in Marketing and Corporate Communication.

7. Results

7.1. Company profile of the sample

The selection of the sample has allowed us to observe the way in which Spanish companies face this type of reputation crisis, both from the perspective of the professional and from the inner vision of the organisation.

The initial data obtained refer to the characteristics of the sample. Most of the selected professionals who are experts in reputation work in large companies (87%), many of which belong to the Ibex35, and consequently, the opinions obtained are from informed professionals with extensive experience and a large number of tasks with regard to the management of their organisations’ intangible assets.

The sectors of activity of the participating companies are finance and insurance 35%, industry and construction 23%, the energy sector 13%. The remaining sectors, which have smaller percentages (between 7% and 9%), are divided among distribution/logistics, health and public services. These percentages are representative of the Spanish economic sectors.

7.2. The perception of reputational risk caused by disinformation

It is important to point out that before the survey, it was agreed that the term disinformation can be defined as various forms of media manipulation, as mentioned above.

Chart 1. Contemplating disinformation as a threat to an organisation

Source: Prepared by the author