232 | 31, pp. 207-238 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Study on the cinematographic image composition: frame, light, and colour as expressive elements...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

We found that the recurrence of yellow is seen throughout the whole story. There are two examples: the scene in the car; K and Joi (Ana de Armas) continue with the investigation. She is wearing a yellow raincoat that contrasts with the dark tones, even with black shades (figure 30), the closing image in which the protagonist finds Deckard (case closed), constructed in an orange atmosphere, intensification of yellow, this use of this tone seems to reach its maximum expression (figure 31).

Green is the colour that represents, among other concepts, life (cf in table 3: Heller’s studies outline this, and it is possible to associate it with the meaning of the film). Green acquires importance in Blade Runner 2049. We examine the work’s implicit message that asks the questions: what makes us humans?The answer is not the phenomenon of birth itself, as the film speaks about the mere fact of living, something that makes us human, and the act of making our own decisions

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Figure 30. Image of Joi’s yellow clothes

Figure 31. Closing shot

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Source: Fotograma Blade Runner 2049

Figure 28. Replicant industry

Figure 29. The replicant, golden ochre backdrop