230 | 31, pp. 207-238 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Study on the cinematographic image composition: frame, light, and colour as expressive elements...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Graph 8: Percentages on the use of different types of close-ups

Source: created by the authors

There are 49 medium or bust shots in the first shots, and the long shots and foreshortened have been used 31 and 30 times, respectively. The scales with the least number of appearances, 11, are the extreme close-ups and the medium or torso shots. The close up is only shown in two situations.

3.4.2. Colour

Colour’s purpose in Blade Runner 2049 is essentially expressive and acquires relevance in the film’s construction and flow, making it a central theme: creating a futuristic world. Therefore, we will examine how different pigments relate directly to other aspects of the plot, implicitly or explicitly. Yellow is a constant in the protagonist’s environment, a replicant in charge of conducting an investigation, Officer K. Already in the opening image; we can see this dominant aspect: K goes to a lonely area where a house seems to be abandoned. It is an organic scene (earthy tones, browns, mixed with greys), in which the yellow door stands out (figure 24). Later, in the same place, he finds the first clue. Specifically, he finds yellow flowers (figure 25).