228 | 31, pp. 207-238 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Study on the cinematographic image composition: frame, light, and colour as expressive elements...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

technical result with reddish tones can also be linked to the concepts of violence, blood. We believe that this light scheme’s creation is deliberate since it does not occur in the previous shot (figure 20).

This spotlighting is applied to isolate characters, for example, the scene at the bar, where the light focuses on the character Kate to separate her from everything around her, which reveals that she is lost in her thoughts (figure 21), mostly since the FBI has previously been seen prohibiting her from taking legal action against the cartel to prevent the failure of the operation. Likewise, the use of backlighting increases tension, and this expressiveness can be highlighted. We cite a crucial moment in the film when backlighting announces the raid that will take place in one of the tunnels used by the cartel for drug trafficking, hence the strength in its construction (figure 22). Deakins uses this technique again to highlight Alejandro’s figure, closing his arc of argument, ready to end the life of the cartel leader who murdered his wife and daughter (Figure 23).

All these scenes in the work have been shaped through the lighting, which is no longer descriptive, making the staging entirely aesthetic, effective, and carefully constructed.

Source: Fotograma Sicario

Source: Fotograma Sicario

Figure 22. Backlighting prelude to the climax

Figure 23. Alejandro against the backlighting

Source: Fotograma Sicario

Source: Fotograma Sicario

Figure 20. The image reflects red on her face

Figure 21. Image lit by spotlighting