226 | 31, pp. 207-238 | doxa.comunicación

July-December of 2020

Study on the cinematographic image composition: frame, light, and colour as expressive elements...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Graph 6: Percentages on the use of different types of close-ups

Source: Created by the authors

3.3.2. Colour

The Colour in Sicario is used for descriptive purposes. The beige tones stand out in this case (brown tone) used in the costumes, scenes (rooms), and part of the set (furniture), to create an atmosphere that envelops the characters (cf in table 3), especially Alejandro (Benicio del Toro) and Matt (Josh Brolin). Kate (Emily Blunt) is striking dressed in blue, representing justice and/or as a manifestation of legality (cf in table 3). The predominance of this colour around Kate’s character is evident in the scene where she boards a plane with Alejandro and Matt, in which the blue tone of her t-shirt contrasts with the rest of the place, which is full of beige tones (figure 16). Throughout her story, it is revealed that she has been tricked and used to perform a mission in Mexico. Consequently, her moral principles begin to be compromised.