doxa.comunicación | 31, pp. 207-238 | 217

July-December of 2020

Ana Isabel Cea Navas and Sergio García Rubio

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

3.1. Fargo

A shy and timid man, married to a millionaire’s daughter who prevents him from enjoying his fortune, decides to hire two criminals to kidnap his wife so that he can set up his own business with the ransom money. Due to a series of unforeseen circumstances, three brutal murders are added to the kidnapping, forcing the police to intervene.

3.1.2. Frequency of the framing and close-ups

According to the coding carried out on the variable- framing types- in the film Fargo, during the first 32.50 minutes of the film, it was observed that close-ups were the most used. Specifically 170 times, regarding the total number, 296. The medium shot was the second most used frame- 30 times. The least used were the American shot, the insert, and the cover shot, which appear five times each.

Graph 1: Percentages on the types of frames

Source: created by the authors

Considering the use of the close-ups, the most used is the medium shot, which is used 78 times. The next most used is the long shot and foreshortened, 38 and 29 times, respectively. The most unusual is the torso (5 samples), and there is a lack of extreme close-ups.