doxa.comunicación | 27, pp. 99-120 | 119

julio-diciembre de 2018

Juan Carlos Córdoba Laguna

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

manage to contaminate others, including non-violent content, due to the element of the spectacular that has become essential for succeeding in an increasingly competitive media market.

These spectacular contents, regardless of their proximity or distance from reality, have resignified facts and characters with the help of cultural elements, levels of information and daily life, which determine the individual’s reading of the reality. Thus, the communicative scheme tends to be more vertical in the sense that the medium narrates and the receiver nods, the negotiation is not as explicit as cultural studies propose.

The incidents told spectacularly in the media tend to diminish an individual’s ability to resignify them, since they are more inclined to accept the messages as a reality coherent with the situation that is happening. As a result the construction of collective memory is affected, where there is also a discourse of invisibilisation of those parts of reality that were not portrayed by the media.

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