doxa.comunicación | 27, pp. 99-120 | 117

julio-diciembre de 2018

Juan Carlos Córdoba Laguna

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In the news texts, statistics are handled, there is a presence of mainly official sources, photographs, tables and maps, and a cinematographic narrative scheme is upheld, where there is space for the anecdotal and emotional.

4.3.2 Electronic media

The case of Ingrid Betancourt. This was novel in the media due to technological changes and the communicative model, in which users can autonomously choose the means of communication, time and what fragments of information they want to consume. This meant that when Betancourt was released on July 2, 2008, the audiences were atomised in different media, such as news sites and public institution portals. The portal Equinoxio published how the coverage of the event had been on 18 of the most important news sites in the world that same afternoon.

The media impact of the release operation “Operation checkmate” caused users to collapse local information sites, which updated information throughout the day. This event maintained traditional media coverage characteristics, such as the use of primary sources, in this case, the army. The description of the incident was similar to film schemes because this like other incidents described here was truth stranger than fiction, but was supported with multimedia resources such as audio, image, and video.

The Betancourt’s release was one of the first cases in which those platforms considered at the time as new information technologies, served to construct a spectacular scenario, which allowed the user to interact with the volumes of information about the incident, at every second

Even so, the characteristics of new media had already been seen on the website La Jornada, a year before Betancourt’s release. Versions of Betancourt’s death were discussed on the portal La Jornada, i.e, fake news which is more common in this medium, the incident was also narrated with a wealth of images, dramatisations and animations, in particular, the reenactment of her release, her arrival to Bogota and her departure for France. There were few background analyses, new information and implications of the incident, a repetition that rather than inundate, seemed to please new audiences.

The twenty-first century starts with the handling of information through situations facilitated by the successful propagation of the spectacular using technological tools, the prioritisation of global audiences, including ones in Colombia. This period has been marked by consumption through images and post-truth as a way of describing situations which are present in individuals’ daily lives.

5. Discussion

In Colombia, the degrees of spectacularity increased exponentially in the media over the decades, due to technological development, affecting the formation of a post modern society that moved away from reason as a conceptual axis, and the principle of modernity, approaching the emotional. This has affected relationships and social cohesion and has facilitated audience acceptance of spectacular contents constructed using techniques that guarantee specific results.

The almost industrial production of messages with striking characteristics has been facilitated by the Colombian context, where attractive images and stories are produced constantly. On many occasions, they do not need an oral narration or