doxa.comunicación | 28, pp. 55-77 | 69

January-June of 2019

Rosmery Hernández Pereira

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Figure 11. Macron’s first visit to Spain


Figure 12. Macron’s first visit to Spain


This is one of the first actions that President Sanchez took after assuming power, and it was clear that the national context was troublesome, given the way he took power. Another factor that must be accepted as a precedent, a context, and a framework for this meeting is the situation of migrants in Europe, a crucial issue for the EU. It can be observed in the post and in some of what is mentioned above that the basic topic of the meeting was the cause of a lot of distress among users of social networks, and there are positive and negative reactions to the fact that it is possible to reach a consensus on a position in the face of Europe’s migratory crisis. In this case, the analysis of the sample (91) of the 1,600 reactions shows that 40% (38) of the reactions to the issue were positive, and 60% were negative toward the action communicated or toward rejection of the president. There is a distinct element in this case; there is uniformity in the content of social networks. President Sanchez does not distinguish this according to the social network; he maintains the standard and makes a single post for both Facebook and Twitter using the same text and the same photograph. There seems to be interest only in communicating without identifying differences among target audiences. Considering the study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) (2018a), penetration figures for social networks in Spain reach 85% (25.5 million) of the population of Internet users, which in turn is 92% (27.6 million) of the total Spanish population between 16 and 65 years of age. Moreover, 51% of users are