66 | 28, pp. 55-77 | doxa.comunicación

January-June of 2019

The use of Social Networks as a means of citizen participation in validating positions and interests...

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

The second post is on both networks, Facebook and Twitter, referring to the Pacific Alliance summit and his meetings with Presidents Vizcarra of Peru and Piñera of Chile to address Alliance issues. It is important to note that there are more reactions on Facebook than on Twitter and this is related to the number of users on each network and their profile.

Figure 7. Pacific Summit Meeting

Source: https://twitter.com/JuanManSantos/status/1021848030075604993

Figure 8. Pacific Summit Meeting

Source: https://www.facebook.com/330825443903/posts/10156468272748904/

With regard to the first post, the reactions were quite positive. There were 6,000 reactions, and based on the sampling (95), the result obtained was 16% (76 posts) positive and 24% (19) negative. It is important not to overlook the background of the text (Krippendorff 2004) since as mentioned earlier, the president in his message sought to remind his audiences that Colombia was changing, thereby recalling his greatest achievement as president.

The second post totaled about 2,000 reactions with Facebook and Twitter together; the public was more active on Facebook and in general showed very strong support for the action of the president on this issue; the president made three posts, two on Facebook and one on Twitter.

Following the defined sample, 88 reactions were reviewed. The result was 8% (7 posts) that showed opposition to the president; however, in this case it should be clarified that there appeared to be greater opposition to the president and not to the action the post was about. On the other hand, the positive responses were largely related to the president’s achievement in the peace process. Of the 20 posts reviewed above, 11 mentioned the word ‘peace’. Moreover, Colombian social network users who made comments usually associated him with the entire tenure since this was the last summit Santos would attend as president. In short, according to the content analysis, if we analyse to whom the message is aimed, we can say that it seeks to reach the entire population that uses social networks, regardless of education level or social class,