doxa.comunicación | 28, pp. 55-77 | 65

January-June of 2019

Rosmery Hernández Pereira

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

3.2. Colombia

The second case study is the government of Colombia. This country makes significant use of social networks; according to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, in recent years Colombia has registered exponential growth in the number of users registered on social networks, Facebook and Twitter, with more than 15 million users. Bogota is the ninth city in the world with a figure close to 6.5 million, and Colombia is one of the countries among those with the highest percentage of users of social networks. Its Internet penetration is close to 60%, and social networks stands at 50% (Statista, 2018). In the period under study, its president also used social networks to communicate issues of diplomacy and international politics.

In this case, two posts have been presented for analysis, and both were chosen with expert criteria and for the number of reactions they triggered. Both on Twitter and Facebook, President Santos exposed his country’s diplomatic actions to the Colombian public, but if we count the comments, there were more responses on Facebook than on Twitter.

This first case is about his visit to the United Arab Emirates; President Santos tries to validate two actions: first he tries to link his visit to the signing of his country’s Peace Agreement, and secondly, he tries to prove to his citizens that the world recognizes Colombia is changing.

Figure 5. Visit to the United Arab Emirates


Figure 6. Visit to the United Arab Emirates
