doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 139-159 | 155

July-December of 2019

Cristina San José de la Rosa, Mercedes Miguel Borrás and Alicia Gil Torres

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

In short, these are villains who vent their rage with scandal and lies to gain audience share. In this case, they use a child who does not yet have a will, and between his relatives and the journalists the kid is falsely transformed into a helpless character.

In Cuba libre, Cristina Melero (Kira Miró) is involved in nonsensical stories that she fully takes advantage of to capture an audience. She and her camera were the only means of communication that sneaked into the Cuban embassy while dozens of reporters waited at the door among many police officers. Guided from her boss’s mobile unit, she broadcasts everything that happens, and her boss does not hesitate to manipulate some recordings to make everything seem more “overwhelming”:

The journalist and the camera operator go to the Cuban embassy to get an exclusive interview with the Cuban ambassa-dor. “You are the most qualified”, says her boss. “I’m the only one available, get real”, she quickly replies as she slaps some makeup on her face in a frivolous odyssey of manipulated information.

In Volver, the aggressive hostess (Yolanda Ramos) begins the interview with a woman sitting on a sofa. She is standing in front of her with a cold, arrogant voice:

Host: I was wondering if you could explain what you have just told our editor. You told her something very important about this lady and her husband that relates her to the disappearance of your mother. Is that true or not, Augustina?

The unethical female reporter that Almodóvar shows in other films is seen again in Volver with the woman who becomes a television villain with no sign of emotion, worried only about reaching an audience.

The programme called Prime time features the unemployed journalist Jaime (Alberto Amarilla) as an accomplice of the macabre programme ‘Juez y parte’. In the first case, the audience has to decide who must die; either a neo-Nazi soldier, Miguel Ángel, or a pimp, Khaled, and the latter is the one who is shot in the head in the presence of the rest of his compan-