doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 139-159 | 153

July-December of 2019

Cristina San José de la Rosa, Mercedes Miguel Borrás and Alicia Gil Torres

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

journalist, and the confusion leads them to gain a multitude of Christian followers and an audience of 7 million viewers. She is a broadcast villain who is protected by her boss and his offers:

In Hable con ella, an Argentine journalist who maintains a relationship with a bullfighter called Lydia is the main character, but there is also a case of a macabre reporter (Loles León), who interviews the female bullfighter live and tries to make a scene

The journalist and the female bullfighter have an argument on the set. The interviewee blames her, saying the commitment agreed upon when the deal on her television appearance closed had not been fulfilled. In the deal, she was only expected to be locked up in a bullring with six bulls:

This is classic Almodóvar: an unscrupulous female presenter capable of causing the most tense situations on the air, as in the case of the host of this television programme in which Lydia participates.

In No somos nadie, the host of the show, (Daniel Giménez Cacho), is stressed by the drop in audience share, and he discov-ers a way of raising the program’s numbers by using Salva. He doesn’t hesitate to use all kinds of tricks to obtain unprece-dented notoriety in order to turn this young street kid into a massive idol: the new Messiah. “A man who has enlightened our hearts and dispelled our darkness”, says the person responsible for the programme, deeply touched by the audience’s applause at the solemn broadcasts.

Tried for homicide, he becomes a contestant on ‘Mano dura’, and manages to save himself, thus starting on a new road to success. Appearing on a huge studio set with terraced side stands and spectators gathered in the central area, dark, with light provided only by the candles of hundreds of people who welcome him into the place, Salva makes a stellar appearance with an image reminiscent of Jesus Christ. Through his manner and long hair, he passes through the crowd with peoples’ outstretched arms in failed attempts to touch the new Messiah, who is nothing more than a media gimmick. At the top of