doxa.comunicación | 29, pp. 61-74 | 71

July-December of 2019

Carlos Fanjul Peyró, Lorena López Font and Cristina González Oñate

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

Graph 4

Source: Own elaboration from the data obtained.

Regarding satisfaction with their own body and physical attractiveness, adolescents who viewed advertising loaded with stereotyped male models as Block A, valued their own appearance, mostly as “neither too much nor too little” satisfied (53.3%), while the other group valued the same issue as “very much/enough” (48.7%). However, it is significant the fact that, in the first group, there was a relevant percentage of boys satisfied with their body and appearance a 24.1% “little or nothing”, compared to 4.3% who perceive themselves as equal within the group of boys who saw neutral advertising.

This influence between the advertising block viewed and the degree of satisfaction with one’s own body is not described in the results of girls. Both groups valued satisfaction with their body and physical appearance as “neither too much nor too little” satisfied more than 50%, followed by the response of “very much/enough”, with percentages higher than 30%.