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El patrocinio de los espacios informativos en televisión : la información meteorológica en Televisión Española

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Título : El patrocinio de los espacios informativos en televisión : la información meteorológica en Televisión Española
Autor : Sánchez Calero, María Luisa
Fernández Parrat, Sonia
Materias: PatrocinioMecenazgoInformación meteorológicaPatronage
Resumen : There are a lot of companies who raise to invest on innovator new projects and fields that concern the society. Today, it can be demonstrable how company investments are destined to finance new events derivative from the increase of the spare time, show evolutions, sport competitions and the increase of the TV channels which are looking the way to finance a great part of the programs. In this sense, it is common to find more programs, shows and news that are sponsor trying to supplant the traditional advertisements immersed in an economical crisis today. The space dedicated to the whether information on TV is probably one of the first patronages made in this media. Also one of the most demanded by the Spanish companies.
Descripción : En: Doxa Comunicación : revista interdisciplinar de estudios de comunicación y ciencias sociales. ISSN 1696-019X n. IV, 2006, pp 161-172
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10637/5955
Derechos: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.es
Fecha de publicación : 1-jun-2006
Centro : Universidad San Pablo-CEU
Aparece en las colecciones: Doxa.Comunicación nº 004 (2006)

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