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Phytotherapeutic alternatives for neurodegenerative dementias: scientific review, discussion and therapeutic proposal

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Título : Phytotherapeutic alternatives for neurodegenerative dementias: scientific review, discussion and therapeutic proposal
Autor : Acero de Mesa, Nuria
Ortega, Teresa
Villagrasa Sebastián, Victoria
León Bello, Gemma
Muñoz Mingarro, Dolores
Castillo García, Encarnación
González Rosende, María Eugenia
Borrás, Silvia
Ríos, José Luis
Bosch Morell, Francisco
Martínez Solís, Isabel
Materias: HomeopatíaHomeopathyPlanta medicinalMedicinal plantsMedicina tradicionalTraditional medicineEnvejecimientoAgeingEnfermedades neurodegenerativasNeurodegenerative diseasesTerapiaTherapy
Editorial : John Wiley & Sons
Citación : Acero, N., Ortega, T., Villagrasa, V., Leon, G., Muñoz-Mingarro, D., Castillo, E., González-Rosende, M.E., Borrás, S., Rios, J.L., Bosch-Morell, F. & Martínez-Solís, I. (2023). Phytotherapeutic alternatives for neurodegenerative dementias: Scientific review, discussion and therapeutic proposal. Phytotherapy Research, vol. 37, i. 3 (mar.), pp. 1176–1211. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.7727
Resumen : The incidence and prevalence of age-related neurodegenerative dementias have been increasing. There is no curative therapy and conventional drug treatment can cause problems for patients. Medicinal plants traditionally used for problems associated with ageing are emerging as a therapeutic resource. The main aim is to give a proposal for use and future research based on scientific knowledge and tradition. A literature search was conducted in several searchable databases. The keywords used were related to neurodegenerative dementias, ageing and medicinal plants. Boolean operators and filters were used to focus the search. As a result, there is current clinical and preclinical scientific information on 49 species used in traditional medicine for ageing-related problems, including neurodegenerative dementias. There are preclinical and clinical scientific evidences on their properties against protein aggregates in the central nervous system and their effects on neuroinflammation, apoptosis dysregulation, mitochondrial dysfunction, gabaergic, glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems alterations, monoamine oxidase alterations, serotonin depletion and oestrogenic protection. In conclusion, the potential therapeutic effect of the different medicinal plants depends on the type of neurodegenerative dementia and its stage of development, but more clinical and preclinical research is needed to find better, safer and more effective treatments.
Descripción : This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Acero, N., Ortega, T., Villagrasa, V., Leon, G., Muñoz-Mingarro, D., Castillo, E., González-Rosende, M.E., Borrás, S., Rios, J.L., Bosch-Morell, F. & Martínez-Solís, I. (2023). Phytotherapeutic alternatives for neurodegenerative dementias: Scientific review, discussion and therapeutic proposal. Phytotherapy Research, vol. 37, i. 3 (mar.), pp. 1176–1211, which has been published in final form at: https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.7727. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Este es el pre-print del siguiente artículo: Acero, N., Ortega, T., Villagrasa, V., Leon, G., Muñoz-Mingarro, D., Castillo, E., González-Rosende, M.E., Borrás, S., Rios, J.L., Bosch-Morell, F. & Martínez-Solís, I. (2023). Phytotherapeutic alternatives for neurodegenerative dementias: Scientific review, discussion and therapeutic proposal. Phytotherapy Research, vol. 37, i. 3 (mar.), pp. 1176–1211, que se ha publicado de forma definitiva en: https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.7727
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/10637/15342
Derechos: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.es
ISSN : 0951-418X
1099-1573 (Electrónico)
Fecha de publicación : mar-2023
Centro : Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
Aparece en las colecciones: Dpto. Ciencias Biomédicas

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