The use of Facebook as a tourist communication tool in major international urban destinations

El uso de Facebook como herramienta de comunicación turística en los grandes destinos urbanos internacionales

doxa.comunicación | 30, pp. 265-281 | 265

January-June of 2020

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

How to cite this article:

Pastor Marín, F. M. and Paniagua Rojano, F. J. (2020). The use of Facebook as a tourist communication tool in major international urban destinations. Doxa Comunicación, 30, pp. 265-281.

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano. Full professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of Malaga, where he teaches institutional and corporate communication. He is a guest lecturer in different postgraduate degrees on communication in organisations. He has been the secretary of the section “Strategic and organisational communication” of the Spanish Association for Communication Research since 2008. The director of communication of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and the International University of Andalusia. He has participated as a researcher in different projects on media credibility and social media and tourist destinations. He has published over 40 articles in high impact journals on these themes.

University of Málaga, España

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7376-4536

Francisco Manuel Pastor Marín. Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication and Business at the International University of La Rioja. Degree in Journalism from the University of Malaga. Master in Political and Electoral Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Postgraduate degree in Marketing and Communication for Sustainable Tourist Destinations from the Open University of Catalonia. Tourist communication consultant. Facilitator of the World Tourism Organisation (OMT-UNWTO). Trainer at the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL), under the authority of the United Nations agency UNITAR. He has been responsible for the Communication in the Tourism Area and Director of Information and Digital Participation in the Malaga City Council, as well as head of section in La Opinión de Málaga.

University of Málaga, España

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-2895-4741


The object of study of this work is to analyse the communication strategy of different tourist destinations, which is applied to Facebook. More specifically, we examine the activity, the capacity to generate a community and interaction, what themes contribute to it, and what formats predominate. It is based on the hypothesis that


El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es el análisis de la estrategia de comunicación que aplican diferentes destinos turísticos en Face-book. En concreto se examina la actividad, la capacidad de gene-rar comunidad e interacción; qué temas contribuyen a ello y qué formatos predominan. Se parte de la hipótesis de que los territorios

Received: 04/01/2020 - Accepted: 02/04/2020

Recibido: 04/01/2020 - Aceptado: 02/04/2020