Framing religion in the editorials of four Spanish newspapers (2009-2010)

Frames de la religión en editoriales de cuatro periódicos españoles (2009-2010)

doxa.comunicación | 26, pp. 145-168 | 145

January-June 2018

ISSN: 1696-019X / e-ISSN: 2386-3978

How to cite this article:

Jiménez-Yáñez, R. M. (2018). Framing religion in the editorials of four Spanish newspapers (2009-2010). Doxa Comunica-ción, 26, 145-168.

Ricardo-María Jiménez-Yáñez. He is a graduate in Philology from the University of Barcelona and has a Master`s degree from UNED and a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Navarre. He is currently an Associate Lectu-rer at the International University of Catalunya (UIC Barcelona; accreditation number PCD: 2017-755). He has been a visiting researcher at CASS (Lancaster University), University of Navarre, University of Manchester and University College Dublin. His most recent publications have centered on the subjects of discourse analysis and professional communication. He is the author of a book entitled Escribir bien es de justicia (already on its 2nd edition) published by Thomson-Reuters Aranzadi.

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, España

[email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-8065-1289


En este artículo se analizan los elementos y las funciones de fra-me y los máster frames presentes en dos combinaciones de pala-bras relacionadas con las religiones (“Benedicto XVI” y “velo inte-gral”), de un corpus de editoriales de cuatro periódicos españoles (2009-2010), para investigar cómo se posicionan ideológicamen-te los periódicos a través de esos textos sobre la representación de la religión en la vida pública. Con un espíritu interdisciplinar, en este trabajo se une metodológicamente el enfoque de framing (Entman), que es más propio del ámbito de la comunicación, con algunas técnicas de la Lingüística de Corpus. Al representar la religión católica, los editoriales analizados ofrecen posturas ideológicas radicalmente diferentes, con una polarización más marcada entre El País y ABC, y un enfoque menos partidario, incluso a veces más difuso, en La Vanguardia y El Periódico. En cambio, en la representación del uso del velo y, por extensión, de aspectos importantes de la religión islámica, en ABC y El País los enfoques aparecen un tanto más imprecisos. Finalmente, aun-que el “periodismo pluralista” de La Vanguardia y de El Periódico


The main purpose of this article is to analyse the framing elements of the way newspaper editorials dealt with two terms related to reli-gions (“Benedict XVI” and “full headscarf”), using a corpus of edito-rials published in 2009 and 2010 by four Spanish newspapers, with a view to identifying the ideological framework adopted by these newspapers as they dealt with the theme of religion in the public square. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the methodology makes use of the framing approach (Entman), which is used mainly in communication, with that of Corpus Linguistics. The result shows a noticeable correlation between the ideological framework of the newspapers and the arguments put forward in their respective ed-itorials. The application of framing also helps to reveal the particu-lar slant of the newspapers in question. The outcome proves the effectiveness of using Corpus Linguistics techniques in analysing editorials in the Spanish press. Also, when focussing on the Catholic religion, the editorials analysed show radically different ideological positions, with a more noticeable polarisation between El País and ABC, and a less partisan and clear-cut approach between La Van-

Recibido: 21/03/2018 - Aceptado: 24/05/2018

Received: 21/03/2018 - Accepted: 24/05/2018